25- saturday.

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Saturday morning, I was packing my bags, getting ready to go to Patagonia for the weekend. Cyrus, Danny and Caleb were going to meet us at Angel's party later that evening. I FaceTimed Angel while I was packing. 

"Ayoooo bitch," she answered.

"Hey sexy lady! How was last night?"

"It went horrible, he said he was going to tell Cyrus what horrible people we are and to never speak to you again." I could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Ha-ha, very funny Angel. Now tell me all the details! Did you sleep with him?"

"GOD NO, I would never sleep with someone on the first date."

"Ang, I know you slept with him."

"No hahaha, I'm actually waiting for tonight."

"Ohhhh you're famous disappearance in the middle of the party. At least I won't be alone when you disappear this time."

"Yeah, sorry about that... I definitely was not thinking about you that day."

We laughed. "It's okay, I have forgiven you for that dodo bird."

"Thanks ding dong, much appreciated."

Dodo bird and ding dong were our nicknames. Well, we called each other every name in the book. Sometimes I even called Angel "Hannah Montana" because she had the hair that looked just like the wig and she had the blue eyes. 

"Speaking of not being alone, poor Danny doesn't have anybody to talk to. He's going to be 5th wheeling the whole time," I said.

"Come on! Danny's hot as hell. Danny's the hottest one out of all of us. He'll find a girl in .5 seconds. Don't worry about Danny, he'll be fine."

"Yeaaaah, that's true. Nevermind!"

"Hurry up and get your ass over here! I need your help setting things up. Can you buy chips on your way here?"

"Why didn't you get the chips?"

"I really didn't think of chips when my mind was on weed and liquor."

"Fair... Yeah I'll get the chips."

On my way to get the chips, I stopped at the 7 Eleven in Patagonia. The hot 7 Eleven cashier was there. I said hi on my way in, I wondered if he had recognized me from the few times I had come in with Angel. I picked out about five bags of chips. Angel said there would be a lot of people there. I guessed everyone our age in Patagonia and all of their friends.

I walked up to the counter and placed all the bags of chips on the counter.

"Wow, what's the special occasion?" Caleb said.

"It's for Angel's party tonight. I'm Gracie, Angel's friend."

"Ohhh, Gracie the one that's dating Cyrus?"

"Well, not dating, just talking for now. But yeah, that's me."

"Sweet! Nice to meet you G." 

"Nice to meet you too! Should I give you the don't-break-my-best-friend's-heart speech?"

"Ohhh, she told you about us? Uh yeah, no, I'll be waiting to hear the speech when Angel meets Cyrus..."

"Yeah, ugh. I forgot about that." We both laughed. "You already know that girl is going to rip him into shreds."

"I don't know her that well, but I'll take your word for it." He smiled.

"Alright, I better get going, what's your name by the way? We just call you by nickname."

"Oh yeah, the hot 7 Eleven cashier."

"Yeah, that's the one..." I said, I was embarrassed.


"Ohhh, right, Angel told me that a while ago... Okay Caleb, well I'll see you guys tonight!"

"See ya then." Caleb was so nice and friendly. He was a good fit for Angel. I haven't really gotten the chance to picture them two together, but after formally meeting them, I can see it.

Angel's not the dating type though, hopefully Caleb will last, but Angel will probably just sleep with him and not return his calls like she had done many other times before. She doesn't do it to hurt people, she just does it from fear of commitment. I guess since her dad was never around. Her longest relationship was three months.

Sometimes I wished Angel would be serious with someone. She'd probably be happier, and she'd stop calling me so much. 

When I got to her house, I slammed the bag of chips on the counter, "Guess who I saw!"

"The hot 7 Eleven cashier?" It's almost as if her eyes lit up.

"Yes! Caleb! I finally learned his name."

"Oh shit, that's cool. Alright help me get ready for this party. Did you get ice?"

"What???? You didn't ask me to."

"Alright I'll go to 7 Eleven and get some."

"You just needed an excuse to see Caleb." I laughed.

"You're damn right bitch." She laughed.

I set up for the party while she went to go flirt with Caleb. When she got back, she went upstairs to shower, and I sat on the couch drinking some Pinot Grigio. 

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