19- wanted- angel's pov.

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When I got out of the car, I ran into the store. I went to the candy isle to find Gracie's peanut butter cup. I grabbed the king size, cause I wanted to eat some too. I walked towards the ice machine, opened it up and grabbed the biggest bag of ice I could find. 

"Hey Caleb." I knew the guy at the counter on a first name basis. I bought my ice there usually about once a week. Or at least until I got ice trays. I didn't come as often anymore, but I had forgotten to fill the ice trays.

I put my stuff on the counter and took out my debit card. "Can I get a pack of Marlboro Red's, 100s?" I asked. 

"Of course. Switching it up?" 

"Eh, just need a break from the menthols."

He put the pack of cigarettes on the counter. "Ice again? Just like the good old days." We both laughed. "You making strawberry margaritas tonight?"

"You know it," I giggled. 

I looked behind his head and read a wanted poster on the wall. No fucking way. I couldn't believe it. It was a screen shot from security camera view. A picture of Hunter that said, "WANTED for theft over $1,000". It surprised me, but I honestly wasn't that surprised. What surprised me most was that he didn't have MORE charges.

I played it cool in front of Caleb, the cashier. "What's that guy's deal?" I asked and pointed towards the poster.

"Oh some drunk dumb fuck came in last week, jumped behind the counter when I was in the back and stole a shit load of shit from behind the counter and booked it out of here. I came back to the front and he was gone. Didn't even see the guy do it. But the footage did. He's not actually wanted, we just want our money back... and to ban him from the store... Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just curious. Thanks again Caleb, I'll see you next time." Caleb was cool and super cute. Probably close to our age. I had the biggest crush on him.

"No problem Ang, have a good night!"

I started walking out the door to the car. I realized I had left my wallet on the counter top at check out. I ran back in, "forgot my wallet!" I said to Beau.

"Oh, really? I didn't even notice." He chuckled slightly.

"Beau, that's why the place gets robbed, cause you don't notice shit!" I joked.

"Funny for you to say... You can never tell when I'm trying to flirt with you."

"HA! Neither can you!" I couldn't believe he said that to me. It made me so nervous. 

"Well, would you like to go out sometime? Maybe for dinner or we could go to 5oh for drinks? Or I could come over to your place and you could make me strawberry margaritas." He did a little shoulder dance.

"Strawberry margaritas it is then. This Friday?"

"Yeah, I get off at 7."

"Perfect." I walked back out the door and I was smiling the whole way to the car. 

He already knew where I lived. We live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows where everybody else lives as if their lives depended on it.  I didn't fit in too much in this small town. I was more of a city girl. One that's never actually lived in the city. 

"GRACE I JUST GOT ASKED OUT BY THE HOT 7 ELEVEN CASHIER," I told Gracie after I got in the car and shut the door, so Caleb wouldn't hear me. 


"It took him long enough." We both giggled. "Tell me everything! I need details!"

"Okay, but you're not going to like all of it."

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