21- start the day.

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I woke up with a huge hangover. All from those margaritas. I was surprised margaritas alone can make you feel so shitty. I looked at the time. 7:28am. I was running late. Angel came in about 5 minutes after I woke up. She wanted to make sure I was up for work. I would normally get up around 6:30 when I had to go to work after spending the night at her house. This time, I completely forgot to set my alarm.

"I would've woken you up earlier if I was up earlier. I know how you like to be early for work." She said.

"Well now, I'm not even going to be on time." We both laughed. 

"Alright, I'm going to go make some coffee. You want whiskey in yours?"

"Angel! I don't want to walk in to work smelling like booze."

"Oh you won't smell like booze from one cup."

"Alright, alright. Fine, you convinced me." It didn't take much convincing. I knew she would've kept trying to convince me if I had said no. But I wanted to have some anyways.

I had neatly folded work clothes in my suit case. I took them out and laid them on the bed. I went to shower. When I got out of the shower, I could smell bacon and eggs coming from downstairs. Angel was the best.

I didn't smell like booze and sweat anymore. Thank God. At least I'd probably walk into the office smelling like bacon if anything. 

I walked back into the guest room and put on my work clothes. Then I walked into Angel's room to use the vanity in her closet. I put on her Led Zepplin record on the record player. I used some of her make up, hoping to cover up the hangover look I was wearing on my face. I mean shit it was only Wednesday, who the heck gets drunk on a Tuesday night at their best friend's house?

After I got ready, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Angel had the table all set and ready for me.

"Enjoy gorgeous."

"Thank you doll." I said.

"Anytime." She smiled. "How did you sleep?"

"Peacefully actually. It was the waking up part that I didn't want to do." We laughed. "Can you make my coffee to go, please?"

"I'm way ahead of ya." She stood up and grabbed a to-go coffee cup that she had put in the refrigerator.

I ate my breakfast real quick and walked towards the door to put my shoes on. "Thanks for having me over my love."

"Anytime darling." Sometimes I felt like we were an old happy married couple. Ones that never fought. We found a lot when we were growing up. When we became adults, we grew out of the pettiness towards one another. She grew up sassy like Mindy. The good kind of sassy. The kind that everybody wanted more of.

"Hey, I'm having a party on Saturday, why don't you come and bring Cyrus?" She asked.

"I would love that! I can't wait for him to meet my favorite person in the world!" I replied.

I grabbed my bag that I had set by the door on my way downstairs to the kitchen and I walked out the door to my car. I texted Cyrus telling him that I was on my way to work and he called me before I got the chance to start the car. 

"Hi beautiful," he said. 

"Hey, how are you?" 

I'm good, exhausted from drinking, but I'm ready for work."

He chuckled, "well I'm glad you're doing alright. I just wanted to call to tell you to have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow."

That really did become "our thing", to tell each other that we'll see one another tomorrow. I loved it.

"Well, actually I would love to see you tomorrow. And every day after that. And my friend Angel's having a party on Saturday, if you're interested in going to Patagonia with me."

"I would love to! I have no idea where that is! If you kidnap me, no one would ever know where I went!" He joked. 

"It's about an hour away from us... It's a small town."

"Oh you're definitely planning to kidnap me then!"

I giggled. "How can I kidnap you when you know where we're going?"

"Because it's about the no-return part."

"Ahhh I see. Okay well I'll see you tomorrow and then I'll see you Saturday to kidnap you."

"Sounds perfect." 

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