15- the day we met.

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I'd forgotten all about Colin, Hunter and the bar. From then on, my mind was focused on Cyrus.

The most anticipated day since the first day we started talking, the day we met. It was a Tuesday. My favorite day of the week. I never had a bad Tuesday. That's why I loved it so much. Every Tuesday I knew I would have a good day. Coincidentally the first day we met, was on my favorite day. It wasn't planned like that.

We met in the parking lot of a park where he worked doing security. He was off that day. It wasn't just a normal park, they had lots of activities, fields, clubs, etc. I drove up to a 2013 silver Honda Civic. The one I knew he had. My jeep was loud. He looked up from his phone and gave me a slight wave. He was smiling. He looked perfect.

We both got out of the car and walked towards one another. He was taller than I thought he'd be. His height made him look really sexy. Some thing I didn't notice from the pictures was his nose piercing. He had a hoop on the right side of his nose. We gave each other a hug.

"It's so great to finally hold you Gracie. You have no idea how long I have waited for this". He said. We had only been talking for a few weeks. But I guess that's enough time to really want to see somebody. I mean I know I really wanted to see him.

He smelt amazing. Sort of like Old Spice, but better. I'm sure I smelt pretty good too, I sprayed on my Victoria's Secret Love Spell perfume. My favorite. When I had first smelt it, I knew I had finally found the scent for me. I felt that way too about Cyrus's cologne. It was the most perfect smell a guy could have.

"It's so great to finally hold you too." When we hugged, my whole body was pressed up against him. Even our ears were touching. The hug was longer than a normal hug. When he let go of me, I really didn't want to let go.

"Come on, I have a spot to show you," he said.

We walked a bit far away from the cars. He held my hand. He took me to this gorgeous gazebo that had flowers and butterflies surrounding it. 

I let go of his hand and started exploring the area. The gazebo sat on the edge of a lake. I looked out at the water and admired the beauty. I turned back around to look at him. "Wow, this is really beautiful", I said.

"Just like you are," he said. It was such a corny thing to say, but the way he said it, didn't sound corny at all.

He picked up a bouquet of flowers that had been sitting on the gazebo bench. "These are for you. I picked them myself." It had always been a dream of mine to get flowers the first time I'm meeting someone. But for him to pick them himself? I felt like all my dreams had come true.

He pulled me in close. "I've been dying to show you this place ever since we started talking. I come here by myself all the time, just to think and get away from everyone. Most people that come to this park don't even know this place exists. I haven't even brought Jess here. This is such a special place to me, she would definitely taint it."

I felt honored that I was the first person he's ever showed this place to. Even the fact that he's never even shown Jessica. That's crazy to me. He used to be so in love with her. Why didn't he show her this place back then? "I feel so special that you brought me here."

"Maybe it can be our special place now. I'm so tired of coming here alone."

"Yeah, I'd like that... You don't have to be alone anymore Cyrus. I'm here now. And we don't have to worry about Hunter getting in the way anymore. It's just you and me."

"Well... There's still Jess."

"Yeah, but not for long, right?" I felt super weird asking him that, even though he's been saying he wanted to leave her. 

"Exactly... Not much longer until I'm free from her." He smiled. 

"And we could live happily ever after?"


GraceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ