9- what really happened.

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He didn't understand and that's not what happened.

I had dreamt the whole thing... the ENTIRE interaction with Hunter. There's no way in hell he'd be understanding like that... but I wish he would. It would make things a lot easier. It made me sad thinking that he would probably yell at me the entire time. I knew he wouldn't be happy at all. I was unbearably nervous to break up with him. 

When I drove up to him in that grocery store parking lot, I was shaking. I texted Cyrus saying, "I'm doing it now... wish me luck".

"You got this," he said.

I got out of my car and realized my whole body was a bit shaky. I walked over to his car, opened the door and got inside.

I didn't want to dance around how I felt and why I asked him to meet me. "I think we should break up".

 "No. Are you kidding me? You can't break up with me", Hunter said. His voice was trembling. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? YOU'RE JUST GOING TO THROW EVERYTHING AWAY? THROW US AWAY? FUCK YOU!" He started screaming at me. 

I cried. I didn't know what to say. Or do. I just cried.


At this point, I was over the conversation. I wasn't going to keep going back and fourth with him like I normally did when we argued. There was no point. We were done. I was done with him. I was done with the mistreatment that I had put up with for years. I just couldn't take it anymore. Not to mention, by this point, I was in love with someone else.

I got out of the car quietly. I zoned out his screams, his words, his cries, everything. He was still yelling at me when I shut the door. I walked back over to get in my car. He got out of his car, ran around to the drivers side door and blocked me from trying to get in.

"Hunter... I just can't do this anymore," I said angrily. "Move out of my way." 

"Don't talk to me like that, bitch!" He slapped me.

My intrusive thoughts got the best of me and I started pushed him out of my way. As hard as I could. "MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY. I'M DONE!" I yelled and I cried. I opened my car door and slammed it behind me, immediately locking the doors. He started beating his palms on my driver's side window and yelling. I sped away.

I drove for about two minutes and pulled into a neighborhood where he would never find me. I parked my car in front of a random house and just bawled my eyes out. I couldn't believe it. He was so unstable that we couldn't even break up in a healthy way like I had wanted to do.

I wiped my eyes, even though I was still crying. I took a deep breath in through my nose. I was trying to process everything that had just happened. It was the quickest and worst break up I've ever had. 

I picked up the phone to call Cyrus. It was the middle of the day. I doubt he would answer the phone. I thought he was probably at work. But still, we never spoke on the phone during the day. Only night. 

He answered.

I tried holding myself together enough to where he could understand me when I talked. "Cyrus," I said. 

"What's wrong Ace? What happened?" He asked. Ace was a nickname he had for me. Funny enough, as close as it was to my name, he was the first one who thought of it.

"It was a lot, it was really overwhelming. He just kept yelling at me and when I got out of the car, he blocked me from getting into my car and he slapped me. So, I pushed him out of the way and drove off."

"I'm so sorry that happened Gracie. I wish I had been there to protect you."

"It's okay, it's better this way. Better he doesn't know about you. At least I never have to see him again."

"He never deserved you to begin with. I wish I could kill him." 

"Woah woah, none of that please and thanks", I laughed and wiped more tears away. At least I was laughing now. Cyrus was amazing. All the words he ever said, were just the right ones. He knew how to make me feel better every time I was sad. He had a special gift.

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