14- the morning after the bar.

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I woke up in Angel's guest room. It was basically like my own personal room. No one came over to Angel's house to sleep over as often as I did. Even some of my clothes were neatly folded in the guest room dresser. And some of my knick knacks sat on top of the dresser. This room was mine.

I looked over at the clock. 7:04am. Way too early to be waking up after a horrible night's sleep. I had a great night the night before, but no one ever gets good rest when they're drinking that night. I knew Angel still had to be asleep.

I was still wearing Angel's dress from the night before. I hoped she wouldn't kill me for sleeping in it. But she loved me too much to even be be mad. I changed into my pajamas. Damn, I had a bad headache. I took some Tylenol out of my purse.

I snuck downstairs to get a glass of water. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and turned the sink on. I stared out her kitchen window, watching some of the leaves fall from the tree in her backyard. I loved her house. I wish I lived there. I knew she would let me if I had asked, but I just don't think our friendship would be as strong with me living here. 

The water started overflowing the cup. I snapped back into reality. I got so lost in watching the leaves fall. I started getting the coffee ready, I knew she'd appreciate that. I opened her alcohol cabinet and grabbed the already opened bottle of Jack. I put it on the counter next to the coffee pot. 

I drank my water, swallowed my Tylenol and continued looking out that kitchen window at the leaves. I felt like I was in my own little world. Shortly, the coffee was ready and I made myself a cup, without adding whiskey. I put my empty glass of water in the sink. I picked up my cup of coffee and went to go sit in the screened in back porch.

I sat there thinking about the night before. It was such an amazing night. Colin was super sweet and I had the best time with Angel. I felt guilty for making out with Colin. I felt like I was cheating on Cyrus. I had forgotten all about Hunter that night and that's what truly made me happy.

About 10 minutes later, I heard the sliding glass door open. Angel came outside with her cup of coffee. 

"Hi baby. I smelt coffee," she chuckled.

She came to sit in the seat next to me. Same position she always sits in, with her knees to her chest. She set her coffee down on the side table next to her. 

"Hey boo," I said. "I had such a great time last night, thank you so much for everything."

"Listen... There's something I need to tell you about last night." I could hear the seriousness in her voice. Her head was facing downward.

"Okay... Is everything okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah, everything's fine... Just... Hunter showed up there last night and I told him to fuck off." She looked up at me.

"What? He did? When?" I sounded so confused. I WAS so confused. But I should've known that would probably happen. It's so typical of him.

"Yeah, he was wasted and I saw him when I went out for a smoke. That's why Stan called me an hour later, cause I had told him to come pick Hunter up."

"Jeez. I can't believe he did that... Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to ruin your night and I know it would have."

"You're definitely right. Especially because Colin's tongue was down my throat when you went out to smoke your cigarette." We both started laughing.

"I also might've accidentally told Hunter about Cyrus... Well not about him, but about how you found someone else."

"Oh my gosh! Why did you tell him?!" 

"I'm so sorry bb. I was drunk, extremely pissed that he was even there and it slipped out." She did look genuinely sorry. Plus it always really upsets her when I'm mad at her. So I let it go.

"That's okay Ang. I guess I probably would've done the same thing." I smiled. 

"You got whiskey in there?" She pointed to my coffee cup.

"No. I am waaaaay too hung over to be drinking more."

"Grace! That's the best hangover remedy."

"What is? Getting drunk again?"

"Exactly." We both laughed.

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