1. Dr. Trafalgar and the famous rookie skater

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"You again? What are you upto l/n ya?" Dr Trafalgar asked with a stern look on his face.  Well, he cannot be blamed for asking. You visiting him the 3rd time now. That too 2 were in this month. 

"I-I-I-I was dancing." you said stuttering. You usually don't stutter while lying, but his strong glance made you to. 

"I don't know any type of dance that'll fracture your bones twice a month." 

He is sure sharp.

"Well, now you know. Now fix it. Please."

"Don't move your arm much y/n ya. I can't check it."

"Oh sorry"

For a few minutes there was silence. Awkward one. 

"Where are you working y/n-ya"

"Sorry?" you asked since you didn't hear it as you were dissolved in your thoughts.

"I asked where are you working in."

"Oh I am a florist. I also train students Dancing."

"2 jobs? It must be exhausting."

Your mood relaxed, "Well, I got no choice. Have to survive."

"And how are you planning to train your students with this hand?" Law questioned as he finished dressing up your arm. You shrugged and got up, "I have my ways."

Saying that, you sent him a wink and almost ran out from the room. If you stayed there any longer, your lousy mouth will spill your little secret.

Your phone rang. You took your phone with your left hand and attended the call.

"Yo Y/n. Is your arm okay? Will you be able to come to S tomorrow?"

That was your secret. You are a member of 'S' organization. S is a illegal organisation made by skaters, for skaters. You are the only female skater that S have until now. 

"I'll try to come Ace. But I surely can't participate."

"Aww man. Mihawk is feeling guilty after the Beef."

You chuckled, "Tell him to not be. I defeated him after all."

"Yeah. He is highly amused. He says he want a rematch." Ace said in excitement.

"Of course I am up for it. Just let my arm heal a bit, then I'll challenge him myself. Anyways, today Kid and Luffy are having a beef right? I'll come to see the match."

"Of course you must come y/n. I'll ask someone to pick you up too."

"Great. See you there." you said hanging up the phone.

"You are a member of S?" a deep voice asked.


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