3. 'S'

37 3 4

Happy birthday sanji kunn! - March 2nd

"Ahh Ace. I didn't know you were the one picking me up." you said as you hopped on to Ace's motorbike. You were wearing your S outfit, which was your blue hoodie and Yellow mask. "I didn't have a choice. The whole gang ganged up on me."

You chuckled, "Start the bike. I don't want to be late." 

"Your wish is my command"

You laughed at this. Ace was a quite gentleman. Although not much around you.




You hopped from the motorbike. S was sure packed today. Everyone was talking about Kid's and Luffy's match. One side people were betting on either of them. Luffy sure got more people betting on him. 

You too placed your bet. You betted on Luffy this time. Something about him made you want to place a bet on him.

You then turned to walk to the area where the match is being held.  Luffy (pirate king),Mihawk (king of hell), and Shanks (Akagami) chatting. Kid (metal body) was in other side, glaring at Luffy. Is he trying to make a hole in Luffy or something?

"Y/n!" a voice spoke from behind.

"Shush. Call me by the name 'breeze' (your S nickname) or something when you talking to me here, firefist" you warned your freckled best friend.

"You are no fun. Anyways, who did you bet on? Kid or Luffy?" the raven hair asked. "I betted on Luffy this time. What about you freckles?"

"I betted on Luffy." You saw Sabo running like a cheetah to reach Luffy.

"The match between PIRATE KING and METALBODY will begin in" the commenter announced on the megaphone. 


You grabbed Ace's hand and ran towards Sanji's car.


Sabo was also there. You and Ace sat in the backseat.


The car started.


As the skaters skated off, Shanks and others drove behind them.

"You bet blonde. I'll win the bet"

"We'll see"

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