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February 13, 1998, Friday

Tomorrow is the fascinating and awaited lover's day. I could not bear another Valentine's Day. For an ordinary poet who is single and not looking to mingle. Exception to that I am free. I hoped to find another way for me to excuse the whole day. Persistent for the truth, there is no plausible excuse for me to find an excuse. For that, the school department will release a ton of homework, and in the end, they did.

The hallway is flanked by a stationary couple of garments—silk and sweetened fabric. Heart-shaped decorations don't depict the real depiction of the visual representation of hearts. It will be torn in pieces. I hope couples are aware of that. I'd get my heart broken by my own family, but not from someone I love. Not yet, who knows a guy like me is not compatible with another heart. Good thing, I am not someone from the youth falling to my knees and begging someone to be my valentine. Of course, a friend will and always be an exception. I still couldn't believe he introduced his boyfriend to us the other day. Sweet couple—Wayne and Angelo. Who knows if they'll last long, if not, forever.

Flowers are being tossed inside someone's locker as a symbol that they love them. God, being direct to someone is another option but I shouldn't have come to school. I cannot possibly miss a pop quiz for romantic attraction. Who knows, I might as well but I undoubtedly deny that. I saw Jade waving her arms across the hall as the school was crowded with couples.

Jade was lifting her spirits, holding a bouquet, "Thank God, you wouldn't know what happened. I mean, someone passed me flowers because their lover wasn't around. Isn't that romantic?"

I opened my locker and found nothing, "Jade, you know me, I don't. Good for you though, because beside me, is someone who is obsessed with herself more than a lover." I looked at Fiona who was deliberately obsessed with makeup.

Fiona quickly finished her blush, "Well, it's Valentine's tomorrow. It's the best thing all of us can do. Find a guy." She turned around to see Harry reading a book. "I mean, he's all about studying. He's got it all over his face," she smacked her lips.

"Love can't deny my passion for books neither can you with your makeup," he responded, closing the book. We entered the classroom and everything started to warm up as we entered. Wayne was waiting for us. Harry waved his hand, "Hey Wayne, how's your day going?"

"Undoubtedly great," he had a nonchalant voice. "One thing's for sure, I don't have a surprise for him," I can see Wayne talking about Angelo, "a restaurant date is great, right?"

"It is great," I said. "I want you to make sure he's the one."

Fiona replied, "That is true or else, he'll receive a never-ending wrath." Her eyes won't blink, it's terrifying to hear wrath in her tongue.

During break time, we found ourselves heading straight to the library. Stoned walls, bricked shelves, and metallic doors. We went inside and we became obsessed with the books.

Jade grabbed an animated book that talks about romance, "This looks adorable, doesn't it?" She started to read, and we found more books.

We were becoming like the Breakfast Club, but the bell ruined it. We were off to classes and saw the bookshelves gone. Even now, athletic students profess their love to the cheerleaders. Neither of us went that way but someone got their spirits up.

"Do you think I would fit in the squad?" Fiona asked, posing in the mirror as we watched her. "I mean, looks are just the thing."

"Of course not," Harry answered. "You're joining because of a rugby guy who will love your name and your face."

Fiona rolled her eyes, but it was bizarre for her to join. Only to love a guy on the football team. We let her be her, who knows she might find someone. It's a good thing she's joining before summer which will end in about two months. I can't possibly see the school end this early but we're still together up until now. No leaving until everyone's finished.

Wayne came in late, "What cheerleader are we talking about here? Do you want to fly to mid-air? Tough luck to you, you hate heights."

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