Chapter 25- Confession

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Porchay POV

"I need to talk to you about something important", Kim grabbed my hands and pulled me towards one of the cars.

We were dashing so fast towards somewhere, but I didn't know where he was taking me! Or am I being kidnapped by him? Hell, that should not be happening!

And suddenly a 5-kilometer drive later, he stopped at one of the open ground, there was nothing around the place, not even a light—just our car parked in the middle of the empty ground.

Suddenly he went outside of the car and slammed the door. Curiously, I went out and saw Kim, walking hastily here and there and pulling his hair back in stress.

"See, Chay", he rushed towards me and tried to grab my hands, but I hesitated and took them aback.

I am confused about his fuzzy action. Why suddenly, he wanted to act all cool and calm, while he acted cold that day when I was leaving his place.

"I don't care, about the fucking media says about me, I want to be with you, only you. And I want you to be my boyfriend! I want to protect you, always be by your side, and take care of you when you are sick! And go swimming with you whenever you like and kiss you, touch you, hug you, and make love to you. Sorry for realizing so late, we were meant to be together! Will you accept me?"

Better this be my dream. What the damn thing is he stating. He is asking out to be my boyfriend.

"I..", before I could say anything, he slammed a kiss at my lips. And that began growing hotter and hotter and we started making out with our lips. The last cell in my brain was sending a warning signal that all these were not a green flag.

After a moment of realization, I pushed the guy standing before me further. He lost his control and stammered a little.

"What is wrong Chay?", he asked me, his black eyes demanding an answer for my action.

"Sorry Kim, you are a rockstar. It is true, that every fan of your wildest dream is to be with you, and I am one among them. But you would be disappointing millions of fans if you announced it in the media!"

"Is that your issue? Then hear me out, I don't care about my fans if I have you by my side."

"But", I dragged.

"I apologize for my shitty behavior, and assure you that things like that won't happen again!", his words were so good to be true and I am left with no choice except to believe his words were true.

"Are you sure?", I asked him confirming once again in my doubting tone.

"Of course", he kissed me tightly and made me suffocate a little.


We were lying on the bonnet of Kim's fancy car holding hands in the middle of the empty playground holding hands star gazing into the vast beautiful sky.

He turned towards my side, looking at me, the sense you get when someone is staring at you without any interruption. A small smile broke out in my face.

"How long will you keep staring at me P' ?", I turned towards him and asked.

"As long as it takes for me to memorize every detail", he replied still looking at me deeper.

"P'," his words caused a blush to spread across my cheeks.

"It's true... this jawline," he murmured, his fingers trailing lightly over my jaw, "and these lips..." His touch shifted to brush gently against my lips, "and these beautiful eyes." His fingertips began to tenderly stroke my cheeks.

"P', that's...tickling," I managed to say, my voice soft. His tender caresses sent shivers down my spine, each touch igniting a warmth within me that I couldn't quite contain. Lost in the intimacy of the moment, I wanted to feel more of him, to be touched by him, to feel his body against mine, getting embraced in his warmth.

I felt a strong desire to kiss him deeply right then and there. I threw myself on top of him and gave him a hint that I was going to kiss him feverously.

When I bent forward towards him, to kiss him on his lips he snatched the opportunity and initiated the kiss. Our lips touched along with the tongues doing their thing there.

My hands went down to his chest, which was so tight, like super solid and muscular. I feel so feeble around him. We never stopped our kiss, each of the four lips fighting for dominance and power.

And then there was a call, that interrupted our kiss. Kim gestured one minute to me and took the call. Seems it was an important one.

"Hello", he took the call and started.

"All ready?", he asked. I think he was talking to his manager.

"Hmm...we will be there!"

After he cut his call, I was curious if we were going somewhere. "P' Are we going somewhere?", I asked curiously.


I am curious to know where it was and what we are going to do. "Shall we go?", he asked abruptly stopping our make out session!

And the speeding car went somewhere totally to an unfamiliar place to me. "Um... P' Kim, where are we headed?" I inquired, needing to mentally prepare myself for what lay ahead. If we are going to do something like having sex, then I should be concerned, else I need not worry.

"Don't worry, we are not going to do anything!", he replied sensing my concern and smirking at me.

As the car came to a halt, my eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the private jet airport. I glanced at him, my mind racing with questions about our destination. The airport was a hive of activity, with sleek jets lined up on the tarmac and staff bustling about. I couldn't help but wonder where he intended to take me, my curiosity piqued and excitement building with each passing moment.

As we stepped out of the car, one of P' Kim's managers came to us and he greeted him and me! I was like ME? WHY?

"Sir, everything was ready!", he informed Kim and Kim took my hands and headed towards the steps of the Aircraft.

"One minute wait.....Where are we going?", I interrupted him, but he replied, "Don't worry Boyfriend!"

Okay. But how can I not worry? He followed me right behind as I started climbing the stairs. I have never been on flights before not to mention, private flights. I have not even seen the flights this close before.

As I took one of the few seats available, he occupied the opposite of my seat. Internally, I panicked not knowing what was happening around me. And still, a part of me is refusing to believe what is happening in my life is true or not.

Till yesterday, the man before me doesn't give a shit about me, and here he is taking me to someplace not even mentioning where we are heading.

Before the flight took off, I messaged Pol stating, that I would not be coming to his dorm that day.

Thanks. Vote. Comment and follow. Guess if you know where Kim is taking Porchay!

With love,


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