Chapter 28- Press Conference

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As soon as we landed in Bangkok, I took Chay along with me to my house. On the way home, I informed him about the interview, where I needed to clarify the news that was spread.

"I have the press conference today", I stated meekly to Chay, who was busy checking out his mobile phone.

"Huh?", he asked me, taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah, about the dating rumour"

"Oh...", he thought for a while. "Phi' Kim, you know right, you can always say that it was an edited picture right?"

"Hmm...I was instructed to say the same thing", I said. I saw a string of pain in his eyes, as I said that. Even though, he said to lie to the media, deep down, maybe he wants to go public!

"Good for you!", he replied and started to scroll his phone again.

That's it? I was pondering what he thinks in his brain. He was not so expressive person, a shy one but a pure soul. I dropped him at home and asked the home maids to take care of him and cook his favorite meals.


Press conference

As I sat before the sea of flashing cameras and eager reporters, the weight of the moment settled heavily upon my shoulders. I glanced to my right, catching the eye of my manager, who offered me a reassuring nod. But despite the prepared script in my hand, I knew deep down that I couldn't stick to the carefully crafted lies.

The murmurs and whispers of speculation swirled around the room, amplified by the buzz of live coverage from various media outlets and influencers on social media platforms. It was a circus of curiosity, with everyone hungry for the next big headline.

But today, I had decided to come clean. The truth was a heavy burden, but it was one I was finally ready to bear. Taking a deep breath, I stood tall, facing the crowd with a newfound resolve.

"Before we begin," I announced, my voice cutting through the din of anticipation, "I want to address the rumors that have been circulating." The room fell into a hush, every eye fixed upon me, awaiting my revelation.

"The photos you've seen... they're not fake," I confessed, feeling the weight of the words as they left my lips. "They are real, and yes, they do depict me with someone special."

Gasps rippled through the crowd, followed by a flurry of questions, some probing and others incredulous. But I pressed on, determined to share my truth, no matter the consequences.

"And yes," I continued, my voice steady despite the turmoil within, "that someone special happens to be a man. Because love knows no bounds, and it's time for me to embrace my truth, regardless of society's expectations."

"And I don't regret loving someone, because, after all, I am a human too, who has feelings and my interest fell upon him, my everything.", I paused there for a moment. Of course, I made the things and this was the thing, that I wanted PR and I set up people to take my pic with that boy. But he made it real for me, to truly fall in love with him. Through his pure soul, charming face, and his childlike actions, never to mention, his dedication to his loved ones.

The room erupted into chaos, with reporters clamoring for more details, some supportive and others skeptical. But amidst the chaos, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me. For in that moment, I had unshackled myself from the chains of secrecy, embracing my authenticity with open arms.

MY manager there was furious, and he saw me in a great gasp, and his eyes asked, "What the hell have you done man, I could not save your ass anymore!"

"So, I beg you to respect the privacy of our lives! Thank you for your time", I got up from the meeting room and started to leave. Since it was a live program, almost half of Thailand would have seen my confession and even my family members.

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