Chapter 1

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"Cop!" Copter who was busy washing the dishes at the kitchen was fast wiping his hands on the cloth hanging not far from the sink, and was fast walking to the living room, where Godt was, when he heard his name was been called, actually, shouting by him.

"What is it P'Godt?" He asked coming closer to Godt who was frowning watching him coming closer with a towel in his hand.

"How many times did I tell you not to put this towel just anywhere? It should be hanged, and why would you let me bother with this? Can't you handle this simple thing?! I'm tired with work already, and now you even bother me with all this!"

Godt then throwing the towel straight on Copter's face making Copter a little bit shocked. He was just getting over his shocked when he saw Godt was walking to the door's direction. "P, where are you going?"

"Out, I need to take a breather, you don't have to bother."

"P...." Copter was just watching Godt walked away in silence. It happens quite frequently nowadays. Godt had leave him alone at home. Godt had changed.....or was it no more feelings towards him, that makes him changed?

Copter was walking slowly to hang the towel, and was taking a seat at the sofa, thinking, or trying to think, if he had makes any mistakes since they live together. He missed Godt, who cherished him and loves him. He missed Godt who actually couldn't really part with him for more than a day.

But now, he was rarely at home. He goes to work early morning, sometimes, didn't even bothered taking the breakfast he prepared, and came back late at night, sometimes drunk, sometimes moody. Even if he saw Copter sleeping on the sofa coming back late at night, he didn't bother to wakes him up, what's more to pick him up, just like before.

Copter remembers earlier days they were together, when he was always asleep at the sofa waiting for Godt to come back, waking up deep in Godt's hugs feeling warm in a cold morning that makes him smile right away. He will always watching Godt's sleeping face until he will wakes up and smile back at him. He will crack some lame jokes sometimes, but most of the times he will just teasing Copter. But now, they even rarely sleep together at the same bed, since Copter will always fell asleep on the sofa, and waking up on the same position the next morning.

Godt didn't bother touching him, even holding his hand, what's more sleeping together.

They even rarely talking with each other. Every time Copter was trying to talk, Godt will always busy with his notepad, and never give any attention, or hear anything Copter had to say. It's only been two years they had living together, forcing him leaving his hometown and his string of part time jobs, but, after only a year and a half, Godt had started to change. For no clear reason. At least, none that Copter could think of. Copter had always been as usual, doing everything according to Godt's words, and followed everything Godt had said. Yet, maybe it wasn't enough for Godt.

"Cop, you know how much I loves you, and I don't want to be apart from you anymore. I bought a house for us at the city, will you come and live with me? You don't have to work, I will work my hardest to make you happy. I promise you, please..."

Copter's eyes got teary every time he remembers the promise Godt gave him. It was hard to make a decision. He had to quit his work, string of part-time jobs, though it wasn't a big pay job, but he had enjoying it even though it makes him tired all the times, and that's how he had been support himself all this time.

Living in a family that didn't want him, he was struggle, and be independence since he was fifteen, after his dad died. He should be thankful that his stepmother didn't chase him out after his dad died, but he had to support himself, because the woman despise his existence. Every woman will, when they had to face the son of their husband's mistress, an illegitimate child every day.

For so long he was holding out living in that house, despite bitter treatment from his stepmother and stepsisters, but when he decided to move out from that house, he will no longer accepted, not ever.

So, he knew the decision will be big. Not only he will leave his hometown behind, he will lost his whole family, that he couldn't have any place to come back to if anything happen.

But now, if Godt had decided to abandoned him, he will be penniless and homeless, nowhere to go, no one to turn to. He didn't have any friends here, all the friends he knows were all Godt's friends, and Godt didn't let him socialize much. He was such a possessive boyfriend before, but he wasn't sure now.

Copter was thinking a way out for himself. He has only little saving, and Godt had handle all the expenses for the house, and everything.

"You don't have to do anything. You are my queen here. So, just relax, and stay home, okay."

That was his words when they first moving in together. Copter didn't really like it, but he compromise, since he believe in Godt. Was he wrong then? Did P'Godt not loving him anymore? It hurts him so much that his tears had falling nonstop and his chest felt suffocated.

When his phone ringing, it took him out from his stupor, and was taking the phone. He knew he had hope that Godt would be the one calling him, though he knew that kind of hope was ridiculous, though he still hopes. But when he saw the name on phone's screen, he laugh to himself a little, before taking the deep breath and calm himself down.

"Hello P." he answer the call and was greeted the caller right away.

"Hey Cop. What are you doing?" the caller was asking him instead.

"Nothing, P. Just sitting around resting after dinner."

"Really? What did you cook tonight?" the guy asked.

"Just something simple that P'Godt would love. But, still, he just have a little. Maybe he was already full." Copter was trying to sound normal, but he wasn't sure he sound casually enough or not.

"What about you?"

"What about me, P?" Copter asked him back not understanding the meaning of the question.

"Did you eat it much? Did you like the food as much as Godt supposed to like it?"

Copter was silent since he didn't expect that question. He didn't know how to answer that question. He know he shouldn't be honest, but he knew he was a bad liar too.

"I thought as much. Cop, you need to think about yourself too. Godt just fine. He eats well at lunch with us, so you don't have to worry about his meal. I understand you want to cook his favorite, but please cook something for yourself too, okay?"

Copter was smiling with his eyes almost teary. At least there are still a person who cares about him.

"I know, P'Tae. You don't have to worry about me, too."

"And you don't have to worry about Godt, or wait for him. He will dead drunk tonight. He just joined us at the club."

Copter was silent to that too. He didn't know what to think. "Us?"

"Yes, he came after Tee called him, I guess. So, just rest and sleep properly, okay. I know you are always waiting for him, but don't do it, at least for tonight. Just sleep properly, okay?"

"I will, P'Tae. Thanks for calling me. Have fun." He felt something tug on his heart whenever he heard Tee's name. It was always Tee calling Godt that he would just going out right away, regardless of the time. Just like tonight. He might had received the call while he was washing the dishes just now.

"I wish you could join us too. But Godt said you wanted to rest early, so I will not bother you for long. Have a nice rest tonight. Let's meet up later. You rarely joined us nowadays, that's why I called you. See you later. Have a nice dream, Cop."

Copter then disconnected the call. It's not that he didn't want to join their gathering, it's just Godt never asked him anymore. Wonder why, though.

End of Chapter 1

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