Chapter 20

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It was already more than a month Bas had worked at the café. The relationship Tae had with Bas is getting closer day by day to the point that Tae thought he felt comfortable with Bas. Even though the routine was the same for Tae, in his work and even with Copter, but somehow Tae didn't realize that his relationship with Bas had caught the attention of others, or maybe he just didn't care. To him, he had always been as usual and that he just treat Bas as good as a brother, and he felt nothing wrong with it.

But it was a whole different things to Park and Lam. Since Tae was spending a lot of time with Bas, they were rarely hang out and only had important discussion about works. Tae didn't talk about his feelings or relationship with Copter to them anymore. Seeing how he reacted, to Park and Lam, Tae's action was confusing them to the point that they thought that maybe Tae had moved on from Copter that they didn't know how to react or telling him, or even asking him. In the end of the day, they knew that they will always support Tae with whoever he chose to be with. But, still, if Tae really had move on, they would felt pity to Copter, and couldn't help but to wonder about Copter.

Copter was trying to act the same every time he was with Tae. But sometimes it was hard for him since Tae had always ask Bas to join them for dinner and sometime spend the time at weekend in the house, making Copter fill his time mostly in his room. Whenever Tae asked him to spend time together with them, he could only said that he was doing his assignment and Tae would just let him be to play game with Bas outside or sometime they even going out together, giving excuse to take Bas to the place around since he was knew to the place.

Tae was invited him to be together with them, but with Bas's changing reaction and thinking that he couldn't enjoy his time with them, Copter will refuse every time saying that he had so much assignments to do. Trusting evry word Copter had said, Tae just let Copter be. Copter had assignments alright, but it wasn't that much till he couldn't spend time with Tae. He just didn't want to be the third wheel. Even the thought of being the third wheel could bring tears to his eyes.

"Cop, are you okay?" Asked Kimmon suddenly at lunch hour. Kimmon had his own difficulty watching Bas and Tae together. Bas had been the first guy he fall in love with, and that on the first sight, but it was crash right after on the same day. It was hard for him to let go, and the harder he tried to let go, the harder the feelings he had for the said guy. So, he just go ith the flow, and be content enough of being friend with the little guy. Quite a few times they had drinks together late at night, but most of it he could only listening Bas telling him about the whole things he did with Tae at that day, or about how he was happy now that Tae seems like reciprocate his feelings. How irony is that! Still, as stupid as he was, he still happy Bas trust him enough to talk to him about all those things.

But Copter was a different story. Though Kimmon knew Tae and Copter doesn't really have definitive relationship, but he could see from Copter's eyes how much he loves Tae, and he too could see in Tae's eyes at one point. But now, he wasn't sure any more about Tae, but Copter surely had it hard. Copter wasn't his grumpy self anymore, and now he looks weak, and he rarely talked. At lunch time like this, he was always staring at his food more rather than swallowing it.

Copter then turned to Kimmon while trying to fix a smile. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Kimmon was sighing watching Copter who taking hold of his spoon and scoop the fried rice he had, forcing it into his mouth.

"Don't force yourself, Cop. You had a stomach problems how many times already. Did P'Tae knew you were sick?" Asked Kimmon since he couldn't bare to see Copter throwing up and having stomach cramp since he always force himself swallowing food he didn't want to. He had always do that to himself nowadays, especially in front of Tae, trying to show that he was okay when indeed he wasn't.

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