Chapter 10

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"Knock and Korn, I wanted to say my thanks and appreciation for both of you, for helping Copter a lot for all these times he was living here. I felt relieved he had person like both of you beside him while living away from me. When he was running away, not knowing where he was, I felt really worried and anxious that he will get hurt. What I most afraid of, him meeting bad people. With his personality, bad people tend to take advantage over person like him. Thus, I'm worried so much, but now I'm happy.....really happy.....thanks to you both."

Tae was telling Korn and Knock while they having drink together that night. Copter was going to the toilet, only then he would talk about something like this.

"We didn't do much, but still...we are happy we could be some help. But, Tae, I was curious, we both are curious. Who is he to you?" Knock was asking while Korn nodded his head. It was the question they had the moment they received the call from him asking about Copter. Tae was chuckled hearing that. It was expected, with the way he acted.

"He is someone special to me, but to him, it was different." Answer Tae.

"Don't you want to tell him?" Ask Korn this time.

"I will. But not now. He is still broken hearted. He had gone through so much, I didn't want to add into it. And besides, I will never takes him for granted. I believe, one day, we will still be together and I just have to wait. And that what I will do." Korn and Knock gives a wow expressions hearing Tae's answer. Before they could respond to it, Copter came from behind, startled all three of them.

"What did you want to do, P'Tae?" Asked Copter, taking his previous seat back.

"Taking you home with me. It was the place where I grew up, my grandmother had left me a building and business that was still running, and after her death, I let my friends handle it for me, while I'm still working at the company. Now, is the right time for me to go back there, and you will come with me, no matter what." Hearing Tae, Copter was just sighing before taking a sip from his glass of beer.

"Like I have any other choice. You came this far for me, and besides, P'Korn and P'Knock is right. Life in this island wasn't just for me. I hate myself for that and I wish I could just be like everyone else, but it wasn't something I could change." Said Copter while pouting and played with the bandage on his hand.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you will love it there. And I don't want you to be like everyone else. Just be Copter. It was more than enough." Said Tae while ruffling Copter's hair, making Korn and Knock smiling and shaking their head and Copter pouting.

"So, what time is your boat tomorrow?" Asked Knock making Tae turned to him.

"9.00 am. We still need to catch an afternoon flight from Chumpon to Chiang Mai. We will go straight back to my hometown." Replied Tae. Copter was frowning hearing it for the first time too.

"I plan to tell you after this, but since Knock had asked, might as well let you know too. I already bought the ticket for us, so we need to arrive at the airport earlier. I already arrange it with Mr. Pin."

"That was new. I thought maybe....well, I don't know anything to begin with. But, I wanted to say thank you to you, P'Tae. I thought I was alone with no one else cared about me.....I'm happy you are here, and know that I really appreciate this." Said Copter.

Tae was just smiling hearing this, though he still ruffling Copter's hair, like his favourite things to do. "I'm really happy too you agree to come with me. I thought I had to stay here a few more days just to convince you. I'm glad you understand my thoughts."

"Let's stop this serious talk both of you. Let's drink to wish a great day ahead for both of you. But if we were there someday, don't pretend you don't know us, okay?" said Korn taking attention of both Tae and Copter.

"Of course you both were welcome to come anytime!" All four of them clink their drink together, wishing the days ahead will be better for them.


"Hey baby! Miss me?" Tee was suddenly hugging Godt from behind where the guy was standing, looking outside the glass window, drowning in his thoughts. Godt was waiting for Tee at home when they couldn't be back from work together as promise since Tee had meeting after meeting. So, Godt had waited for Tee impatiently at home. With so much questions and needed explanation.

Gost was unfasten the hold of Tee's hand that was hugging him and turning around, facing the guy. With his straight face looking back at Tee's face, making Tee frown, since he could see something was wrong.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Tee asked and Godt was laughing a little. More like getting all his agony out, with that small laugh.

"Okay?! Tell me Tee, how should I be okay when you left me without a word after I let Copter go and choosing you? Tell me, how should I be okay, being your workers instead of a colleague overnight? Tell me how should I be okay, when you didn't even calls me back or reply to any of my messages all this time? Are you playing with me Tee? Is this all a game to you?!"

Tee was stupefied. He actually thought Godt would be happy knowing he is the son of the company's CEO and that it would be a good surprise for him. Godt was surprise alright, but in a negative manner. He couldn't decipher the feelings he had right now, but he knew it wasn't good. Tee makes him confused. Tee makes him feels inferior and at the same time he felt stupid. Tee gave him that kind of feels, and he didn't like it a bit.

"Don't you happy for me?" Tee asked confused. He never thought that Godt would hate the fact that he is the son of the CEO. He thought all along that this could be a great surprise for him. He was waiting for this all this time. He couldn't believe Godt will react oppositely.

"Happy for you? Have you ever thought about me? Ever?! What do you suppose I do, Tee?! Wow, you are my boss now, and I should be happy I'm my boss's lover. Or should I say......Congratulations, Tee. You are the best of making me feel like a SHIT!!!"

Godt was stopping altogether when he feels hot on his left cheek, been slapping by Tee. Tee who was realize it a few seconds too late trying to console Godt but Godt was pushing him away.

"We should just stay as best friends. That would be better." Godt said and was leaving right after, slamming the house door hard behind him, leaving dumbfounded Tee.

End of Chapter 10

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