Chapter 4

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After the commotion last night, Copter never coming out from the guest room. It was hard to persuade Tee to get home first, until Godt told him he needs a better closure with Copter.

Godt was still confused though. Did he want to break everything up with Copter? He didn't know himself. He was trying to ask the boy getting out from the room, but Copter gave no response at all. He makes mistakes, and everything was all his fault, but he still worried about Copter.

He was sleeping at the sofa outside, just in case Copter coming out from the room in the middle of the night, but he never did.

"I had to go to work first Cop. Let's talk later, okay?" still no response when he said that from behind the door before leaving for work.

All the way to the office, he keeps on thinking why things escalated this far. What did Copter did so wrong that he falls out of love to him? Did he really not love that boy anymore? He couldn't understand himself either.

Once reaching at the office, Tee had greeted him as usual, but Tae didn't even look at him, nor Tee. He was trying to talk to him, but Tae would left while staring at him bitterly. He could understand Tae's stand in this. The guy had treated Copter as a brother since the moment they met two years ago. And he is right. Godt is the bastard after all.

At lunch, Godt was going back home since he still worried about Copter. He tried calling all morning, but no answer. He messaged but no reply. On the way home, Godt keeps on thinking what to talk about and how to decide. It was really hard, but he accelerate anyway, still worried about Copter who might do something dangerously, though he knew Copter will not stoop that low, but the probability is always there.

Once reaching home, he open the door and was calling Copter right away. No response. He was looking around the house, bedroom, guest room, kitchen, bathroom and Copter was nowhere to be seen.

Worried more for Copter, he called the boy, only to heard phone ringing inside the bedroom, on the table beside the bed. Coming closer, he could see a stick note beside the phone.

You have make your choice, and I have to accept that.

Still, thank you for everything, bye, P'Godt.

Reading it, Godt was fast opening the wardrobe, only to see it was empty on Copter's side of clothes. He was leaving just like the way he came. Even the phone he bought for him, Copter had left it behind.

He knows it was all his fault. Godt knows that Copter was right when he said he make the choice, that he make the decision the moment he slept with Tee.

But why is it his heart felt so hurt, thinking that Copter is no more. Why is it he felt so suffocating when he was the one who hurt Copter when Copter had never did anything wrong. The boy had done everything he said no matter what. No matter ridiculous his request is, Copter had cope up and was dedicated to him, not even tiny fight even when he knew Copter didn't like it.

Godt couldn't move from where he was crouching down. Not even after the lunch hour is over and his phone keeps on ringing. He still could hardly believe that Copter had left him and now he had no idea where to find him.

Godt knows very well about Copter's family, and there is no way Copter would going back there. Since from his early age, he had to work to support himself, and was changing his job from one to another, Copter hardly had any good friends. So, where would Copter go all alone, after 2 years of absent from the world? Thinking about it again, he realizes now how cruel it was for him to stop Copter from working, since that is the only way he knew how to socialize.

Godt didn't know how long he was sitting there, when he heard the doorbell ringing. He still ignored it though, until he heard the security number was been punch, he knew it must be Tee or Tae, who knew about his security door's number.

Opening the door, Tee was fast coming to Godt when he saw the guy just sitting on the floor not moving, while Tae was following behind. He came here following Tee not for Godt, but for Copter, since he was worried about the boy and couldn't really sleep after coming back from Godt's house last night, thinking how hurt Copter must have felt. How betrayed he felt by his two friends, and how angry he felt for Copter.

Coming closer, he could see the note on the table, and understand what had happened. He was laughing a little and then it was dragged to the louder laugh, making Tee annoying. He was trying to help Godt standing up, but the guy didn't give any response that was frustrated him enough, making he was more irritated hearing Tae's laugh.

"You both should be happy, right. You both are the winner!" Tae had clapping his hands for that comment but Tee keeps on ignoring him, but keeps on trying to get Godt to stand up.

"Are you happy Godt? Are you satisfied now, Tee that Copter had left with nowhere to be found? Congratulations to both of you, for you had finally able to destroy Copter's life to pieces."

Tee was helping unresponsive Godt to stand up and help him to sit on the bed.

"Don't be exaggerating, Tae. He just can find someone else. He's a pro at that." Tee had commented making unresponsive Godt staring at him and Tae was frowning at him.

"What are you trying to say, Tee?" Tae was the one asking.

"Didn't he always like that? That's why I hate him the most. I thought he would be someone decent when Godt had told us that he fell in love. But he flirts with almost everyone. That's why I decided to have Godt for myself instead of a whore like him."

Hearing the words whore from Tee, Godt couldn't help but to slap him on his cheek, making both Tae and Tee shocked.

"You can hate him all you want Tee, but calling him a whore, it is too much, even if its coming from you, don't you think?"

Godt had saying with his vehement tone, yet slow in volume.

"Don't you think that way too, Godt? That's why you prevent him from working, isn't it? I hate him who flirt with you, trapping you with his innocent look, taking you for granted just because he wanted to get away from his terrible family. He just used you. And now, you can see for yourself, how fast he running from you for another target, can't you even see?"

"Tee, you get it all wrong. Copter is not like that." Godt was holding Tee's hands, trying to convince him, but Tee was swatted the hold harshly making Godt shocked.

"How would I believe that kind of a guy who took you from me? I fall in love with you first! He came from nowhere trying to take what supposed to be mine! And both of you adore him so much making me want to puke? What so special about him? What about me? Can't you see me? You were always there for me, until he came and ruined everything I had! Now that I got you, you were telling me I'm wrong?!"

Godt was pulling Tee in his hold trying to calm him down, while Tae was raking his hair, frustrated.

"You were assuming Copter was the bad guy because Godt had choose him over you, right Tee? Why is it Copter's fault when Godt was the one making the decision? Why you put the blame on Copter over something Godt had choose? I know very well that you are a spoil child, you always get what you want. Is it really love for Godt, or it was just your pride hurting because Godt choosing him, over you? I don't possibly knew the real reason you were doing all this, but I want you to know it doesn't fair for Copter. Not one bit. I'll find him, I will try my hardest to find Copter to make sure he is okay, but knows this. I can never forgive you two for the hurt Copter had felt, and for ruining his life. Also, for the betrayed I felt from you both. And Godt, don't ever think or trying to find Copter, or trying to meddle in his life again. You just can get lost...both of you!"

End of Chapter 4

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