Chapter 18

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"They look so cute together, look at them." Copter who was silently sitting at an angle quite far from where Tae was sitting with Bas, making sure his viewpoint was able to see them clearly. Tae and Bas who were conversing while sometime laughing, was oblivious to Copter's existence in the café.

Copter was hearing the comment from the female customers who were seating not far from him and also walking past him. Indeed they look cute together. He wanted to cry himself to sleep, but somehow he couldn't and at the same time curious, so he was coming here to watch both of them. But now he regretted his decision. Without even ordering for anything, he standing up and walked out of the café right away. Just he was about to get to the lift, he came across Park who was just coming from grocery store, making stock check for the week.

"Hey, Cop, where are you going?" Asking Park making Copter hiding his face a bit, didn't want Park saw his red and teary eyes.

"I'm going up, P." Said Copter not looking straight at Park and was about to walk away but Park won't let him get away, seeing him acting strange. So, he pulls him by his hand.

"Hey, are you o...what's wrong? Are you crying?" Park was a little bit shocked seeing Copter's condition.

Copter was trying to fix a smile, but Park won't buy it. "Nothing, P. I am tired, I want to go home." Said Copter pulling his hand away and walked as fast as he could to get away from Park.

Park was frowning and a little bit worried for Copter but he was walking away anyway. He walk into the café to get to the office, but what he saw just making his step halted. Lam who was just getting out from the office could see Park who was standing and just watch how Tae and Bas was happily conversing with each other, just like they were on their own world, not caring for anything else. Lam walk slowly to Park while still frowning at how closely Park was watching Tae and the new boy.

"Hey, why are you looking at them so intently?" Asked Lam making Park turn to him.

"Don't you think Tae was too friendly with the new boy?" Asking Park making Lam shrugged his shoulder.

"Maybe because the guy is so cute. Why?" Lam's words making Park looking at Lam frowning, making Lam lifting his arms in a surrender position.

"His words, not mine. I might think that he is cute, but to me you are much more cuter." Said Lam while whispering the words towards the end on Park's ear, earning him a slap on his shoulder. Park then was walking ahead to the office while still sometime looking at both Tae and Bas conversing happily together.


Somehow, the ride to the college the next morning was silent so much, without Kimmon's playful comment nor Copter's grumpy words. They both was lost in their own head and thinking that both of them didn't even care to say anything in the car. They move just like a habit, with Kimmon was driving, park the car when they arrive, and both of them getting out of the car, walking to their class, not even reacted to the girls who were stopping them, but to just walk past them heading to the class.

Taking the seat, both of them was lost in their own world, that even their classmate say their greetings, Copter and Kimmon couldn't even respond to them.

The class just going on as usual, but both Kimmon and Copter couldn't focused at the content at all, making them sigh in silence. Copter knew he should focused on the class, because he promise that to himself to not disappoint P'Tae, but somehow, he thought just maybe, Tae will not care about it anymore.

Kimmon know he shouldn't be like this, but the words from Bas had been played like a broken cd in his head that he couldn't snap out of it. Last night he was waiting for Bas after his dinner to go up to the room, when he suddenly pulling the guy for a drinking session, as a way to celebrate Bas joining the community. It was just his excuse. He wanted to use that opportunity to get to know Bas more, and of course, to get closer to the guy.

They were starting off in a good mood, with all the questions been asked and answered, not until Bas answering his question of why coming here to find a job when he had already have a job back in Bangkok city.

Kimmon and Copter was still the same throughout the class. Even after the class had finished for the day, they both didn't make any initiative to move from their seat. The lunch hour had just gone like that, and now they should have going back, but both of them didn't have the mood to even move right now.

"Cop...." Kimmon suddenly said making Copter out from his thinking a little, but his mood doesn't get better.

"Hmmm.." that the only thing he could reply him with.

"I...hmm.." Kimmon was still contemplating whether he should tell Copter or not.

"I came here especially for P'Tae. I wanted to make his mine for I am already falling in love with him for so long now." That was Bas's answer that crushed him right away that he never thought that his love will end right when it was just started.

He wanted to tell Copter, but since he wasn't sure what kind of relationship Copter had with Tae, he thought maybe he shouldn't tell, so he cancel his intention of telling the guy.

"Let's go home." Said Kimmon finally and standing right after, while taking his bag. With little energy Copter had left, he was slowly standing up following Kimmon.

Arriving at the building, Copter would just watch from outside the glass wall of the café of how friendly Tae was with Bas. It seems like Tae was always with Bas whenever Copter was looking inside the café, and Kimmon was doing the same. Both of them just walk ahead to the lift heading straight to their room.

Tae who was just confirming with the cook their new menu with Bas as an assistant chef instead of a waiter was looking around for Copter. It was suppose the time Copter had coming back from the college, but he couldn't see him nor Kimmon.

He was then taking out his phone, and called Copter.

"Where are you?" Asked Tae right away once Copter had answering the call. His tone sound a little bit harsh since he was worried Copter was coming back late. But then that makes Copter felt worse, comparing how soft and tender his tone was with Bas yesterday.

Swallowing his saliva, Copter was trying to make sure his tone normal.

"I'm already at home, P'Tae. I was tired, so I come up straight to have a rest." Hearing Copter making Tae feeling relief.

"Okay then, have your rest. I'll cook for dinner later." Said Tae while Bas was still watching him in front of him.

"Wow, I wish I could taste your cook food P'Tae." Said Bas making Tae smile.

"I can cook alright, but since I had taste your food yesterday, I don't feel confident to let you taste my cooked food." Said Tae making Bas laughing to it.

"But still, I hope I can taste the food you cook P'Tae, na, na..." begging Bas making Tae laughing. The cute face of Bas makes him hard to refuse, so in the end, he was agree to make him taste the food later.

End of Chapter 18

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