Chapter 11

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"This will be your room from now on. Just get in and have some rest. My friends will come after a while with dinner. So, in the meantime you can unpack and refresh yourself. If anything, you can ask me. My room is opposite yours, right there."

Copter was just nodding his head and was getting inside the room while Tae was taking his time watching Copter for a while before closing the door, giving Copter time for himself. Copter was taking his time looking around the room while taking the seat on the bed. It was a room filled with enough furniture. It wasn't a big room, but it wasn't small either. It was big enough for him and the room even had a set of study table with study lamp on top of it. The room was neat, with bright brown color walls around, Copter think that he loves how simple yet comfortable the rooms arrangement was. The room had bathroom, and when Copter opening it, it was already filled with all he needs to refresh himself up.

Copter was just finished freshen up and was tidying his clothes inside the cabinet when he heard the knock on the door and Tae was opening the door looking inside.

"Are you finish freshen up? Is everything okay? Anything else you need?" he asked while coming inside helping Copter with his clothes.

"Everything perfect P'Tae. I can't thank you enough for all this." Said Copter while turning to Tae smiling while putting the clothes inside the cabinet.

In that short moment, the smile Copter gave him captivated him which he thought that the smile was so sweet and that Copter looks so cute is beyond him.

"Is your friends here?" Copter's question had taking him out that he had to shake his head a little bit to get back to the reality.

"Yeah, dinners ready. If you already finish here, let's go out greeting them. They couldn't wait to see you knowing you are already here. They are the one that helped me looking for you." Said Tae while pulling Copter on his shoulder, walking out side-by-side when Copter nodding his head.

"Really?" Asked Copter turning to Tae. "You were putting so much effort of looking for me, P, when I'm nobody to you. I don't know how to repay you, P. I don't have anything. I...."

Copter was stop talking when Tae put his finger on Copter's lips, shutting him up.

"Did I asked anything from you? If you keep thinking that way, I will be angry. How many times I told you, just be you. All I need is you to be happy, nothing else." Said Tae, quite vehemently, so that Copter knew he was serious this time. He knew Copter might needed a reason for everything he did, but he just couldn't gave him any answer, nor reason, yet.

"I missed seeing you smile freely. So, don't think about anything, and just enjoy living here, okay?" Tae continue, and this time, he said that in a calmly manner.

Copter didn't know how to react. He was confused. Tae had done so much for him when he was no one for him. He shouldn't just accept everything just like that. He felt wrong, but P'Tae had telling him countless time not to think much of everything.

How could he? His life was never easy, and more than anyone else, he knew better how hard it is just to find money so that he could eat properly each day. Living in that island, with blisters and hard money to get by, this was all so precious that he couldn't be thankful enough to Tae. And he just had to accept this all for free? Just like that?

He always knew Tae is a very good person, and he had been the only good friend, if he could call him friend, all the while he was still living with Godt. But still, wouldn't this be like he took P'Tae for granted? He didn't know what else to think anymore.

Thinking of Godt. P'Godt. Just thinking or saying his name enough to bring all the hurt left in his heart. Life was so hard in the island had helped him not to think, but now that he had nothing to think and that he was relaxed, the thought about all the love and betrayal, the hurt that he felt, that he couldn't even breath properly sometimes came to him like a vengeance. And for that, he had to secretly wiping his own tears away from Tae, so that he wouldn't worry and make it difficult for the guy more than he had already impose on.

"I said, don't think too much. Let's get out now, they were waiting for us." Copter didn't realize he actually staring at Tae all this time thinking all his thought, and he wasn't even realize his tear drops, and could only realize it once Tae had wipe it and talking to him. So much as not to impose, he cried right under his nose. Stupid Copter!! He couldn't help but be angry at himself before he followed Tae from behind.

Getting out of the room, he saw two guys were preparing the food on the dining table, and both of them was turning to his and P'Tae's direction right away, when he could see they were coming out. One of the guy looks tough and a little bit bulky, not as much as body builder, but enough to make his shirt's hand look so tight, while the other guy, is just normal size man, not skinny, and not enough to be called fat. They both almost in the same height and both are good looking guy.

Somehow, looking at them both remind Copter of Korn and Knock. They both are so much alike, and thinking about them making he missed them. He remind himself to make a call to them later. They might be wondering about him, too, maybe.

"Hey guys, this is the famous Copter. Cop, meet my best friends, Park and Lam." Said Tae while pointing at the normal size man as Park, and the bulky guy as Lam. Copter was waii to them, but both of them just laughing and coming closer, taking him in their hugs, shocking Copter. This was so close and friendly that he wasn't sure if it was okay for him.

"We are happy you are here, Cop. Thank you for coming here. And because of you, we could have him back here, or else, it took him forever for him to settle down here." Said Lam making Copter frowning.

"Because of me?" asked Copter.

"Let's take a seat, guys. Copter must be hungry already." Said Tae trying to change the topic when his best friends could understand that, but they just smiled and shaking their head while all of them taking their seat.

"We didn't know what kind of food you like, so we just bought all we could think you will like it." Park said when they were already settle on their seat.

"I'm a simple person, P's. I could eat everything that was edible to eat." Said Copter not thinking too much about what he said, but it change a little expression on all three of them hearing him said it and Copter was oblivious to it. Seeing so many dishes in front of him now makes him realize how hungry he was.

"Can we eat now?" He asked, still oblivious of the three of them who was just looking at each other just now, but Tae was fast to response to his question. "Of course, time to dig in."


Tee was sitting on the sofa at the living room, in his apartment, still trying to call Godt. When he get out last night, he never came back and he didn't show up at work earlier that day. He keeps on trying to call Godt but the call never get through. He left tonnes of messages, but none reply he got from him. He stop by at his 'old home', basically, Godt's home, because after everything, he didn't want Godt to remind of Copter in his life, so he asked the guy move to his apartment. But no matter how long he was knocking, ringing the door bell, Godt wouldn't open the door for him, or just maybe he wasn't there. He couldn't open the door anymore, since he wasn't sure since when, Godt had change the password.

After their fight last night, he couldn't really sleep, and was thinking, or trying to think for the reason why Godt couldn't accept his situation right now.

'Godt didn't like his position now, because he is the boss? Maybe because it will hurt his pride when I am above him? Or was it because he didn't like surprise? He always knew I love to surprise him even if he didn't really like it, but he never be this angry before. So, what is it that makes him angry, really really angry at me now?'

Tee couldn't really understand the very reason that makes Godt angry at him. The very reason he wanted to finish his 'probation', as his father called it, was because he wanted the position as soon as possible. Who didn't want a powerful and rich boyfriend? He knew Godt will love it too. That's why he was rushing it a little and he didn't want to tell Godt beforehand so that it could be the sweetest surprise for him. So, how did things turned out this way? Tee couldn't really understand it.

'Or was he found where Copter is? Is he going back to him?'

Thinking that it was possible, Tee was calling Godt more anxiously, and when he still failed after trying non-stop, he change the number and call someone else instead.

"P, I need you to do something for me. ASAP."

End of Chapter 11

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