Chapter 2

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Godt was getting out of the house after feeling frustrated with Copter. He didn't understand himself. He keeps on snapping at Copter for no apparent reason, and every little things will makes him snapped easily. He couldn't even talking with Copter properly this days, since he was so busy at the company, and the stressed was eating him up. Thinking that Copter couldn't be much of help, he was seeking a friend outside. He was about to call Tee, when his phone ringing.

"Hey, I was just about to ask you out for a drink. Are you up for it?" Godt was the one talking first.

"I'm at the usual pub. Come on, I just about to ask you to join us."

"Us?" Tee was laughing hearing Godt.

"Who else, the bastard Tae was sitting beside me. Come on! Come here faster!" Godt could hear Tae's voice complaining when Tee refer him as the bastard.

"Ok, right on my way." Godt had finished the call and was fast getting into his car, and was speeding right away.

Once at the pub, Godt could see Tee and Tae had taken the seat at one of the corner. As usual, Tee will not taking any woman's offer, unlike Tae, had woman on both of his sides. He was just flirty with the girls anyway, never even getting sleep with any of them, as long as Godt knew him. He seems flirty and all, but he never fond of any one night stand. He left that habit for a while now.

"Hey, what's up? I didn't know you both come for a drink tonight." Godt said while occupying the seat beside Tee. Tee had handing him the beer he ordered beforehand for Godt.

"Tae asked me out for a drink, telling me, he was bored. So, I wanted to ask you." Tee replied. Tae was sipping on his drink before asking Godt.

"You didn't bring Copter? I was rarely seen him nowadays. You were rarely brought him anymore." Tae said making Tee's face changed, and Godt had turned to Tee fast, making Tae frowning, watching both of them.

"He.....feel sleepy. He wanted to sleep early." Tae was just nods his head hearing Godt, though he didn't think it was a convincing answer. But he had no place to intrude here.

"Why don't we go dancing? Its been so long." Tee was talking trying to evade the awkwardness that he felt.

"Sure." Godt was answering and standing up right away, followed by Tee. Tae was just watching the two for a while before focused back to both of the woman beside him. The three of them had clanking the mug together before drinking all the fluid inside their system, making them half drunk.

Tae then standing up, excuse himself to go to the bathroom, and decided to call Copter.

Not long after, Tae then joined the girls and asked them to drink and dancing their heart out throughout the night.


"Are you sure? I can sent him, you know?" Tae ask in his half-drunken state, when Tee dragged Godt into the taxi.

"I'll be okay. You are drunk yourself, I'm the only sober between us. Be careful on your way home. We'll go first." Tee said before closing the taxi's door, and the taxi was moving from that place. Tae was just watching at the taxi that was leaving for a while before taking one for himself.

Godt who was in the taxi with Tee, had place his head on Tee's shoulder, making Tee smile. "You are really drunk. Why are you drinking so much tonight?"

"I just felt like it..." Godt mumbling but Tee knew he heard it. He just smile and was patting on Godt's head.


Godt was opening his eyes to the familiar surroundings, yet not so much, since it's been so long he had been here. He was wondering why he was here, though. When he was intended to wake up, the weight on his chest is preventing him, making him looking down. He was shocked to see Tee's sleeping face on his chest, with his hand hugging him from behind. He was swallowing his saliva and using his free hand to flip the blanket covering them both till his waist, and was shocked once again seeing him naked. Actually both of them are.

The memory from last night had come to him like a thunder, the scene when Tee was helping him into the house and into the room, lying him on the bed.

But after some time, he was half conscious again, and was hugging Tee from behind, who was sleeping beside him and was smelling his neck. The smell was so nice, that making him turned on and slowly he was kissing Tee's neck, start with small kisses until he bite it hard, making Tee moaning, react to it. Tee then turned to Godt, taking the lips he was dreamed of all this time, nibbling and sucking, and giving permission to Godt to enter his cavity.

After a while they both kissing and was out of breath, they both pulled out of the kiss to let oxygen filling in. Godt was pulling Tee into his kiss once again, and this time it was rougher than before, and before Tee could response, Tee could felt Godt's hand trying to lift his shirt but he was pushing it away. But every time, Godt will just trying to do it again, forcing Tee to pull himself out from the kiss.

"Godt, what are you doing? Are you sure about this?" Tee asked while he hold both Godt's big handsin his hold.

"Why? you don't want to do it?" Godt asked making Tee smile, while shaking his head.

Tee was letting go his hold on Godt's hands and was holding Godt's face with both of his hands instead, looking at all the features on Godt's face before kissing Godt's on his forehead, getting down on his nose, both of his cheek, and lastly was pecking on Godt's lips.

"Godt, you know how I feel about you. I already confess to you not too long ago. You should know that I really want to do this with you. But are you really want this?" He asked in his husky voice. Godt then smiled rubbing on Tee's lips.

"I didn't know your lips is so soft, and you smell really nice. I won't be doing this if I didn't want this." Godt didn't give Tee any chance to reply when he was taking the lips into his roughed and needy kisses once again while he was already hovering over him. It was the start of the hot and long night Godt had had for a while, after ignoring Copter for weeks already.

The touching from Tee on his cheek taking him out from his trance. "You are awake?" Tee was looking down on him and smile, while nodding.

"Are you okay? It was your first time isn't it? I'm not even gentle with you last night." Godt was saying while his hand rubbing on Tee's cheek, which make the guy's face red. He never knew Tee could blushed like that, and it was cute. Been friend with him for so long, he was never thought Tee could be this cute.

"I'm fine. I can take it." Tee was answering while leaning on Godt's chest, looking away from Godt's face. He felt embarrassed all of a sudden.

Godt was looking at the wall clock in Tee's room, and he knew he had to go back.

"Tee, I need to go back home now. We have to go to work, remember? Can you manage? Or do you want to take a leave for today?"

Tee was looking back at Godt while shaking his head.

"Don't worry. I'll take pills later. You better get back now." Tee was saying, though he wished Godt didn't have to. He even didn't want to mention Copter.

Godt was kissing on Tee's forehead before waking up and gather all his clothes, wearing it. He waved Tee a goodbye before heading out of the apartment and getting the taxi back to the pub. It was still early in the morning, and he hope Copter wouldn't realize he wasn't getting back the whole night. It will be so troublesome to hear all those questions.

Opening the house door slowly and quietly, Godt could see Copter had sleeping on the couch. Since nowadays, he always let the guy sleeping on that. Copter might not realize he didn't come back at all last night.

Getting into the bedroom, he was going to the shower right away. Getting out of the shower, he could hear Copter in the kitchen, and the guy might be preparing the breakfast for him. Once ready for work, Godt take his briefcase, wearing his watch, and make a call while getting out of the bedroom, ignoring Copter all the way. Once closing the door behind him, he was sighing a little bit too loud, wondering. 'What am I doing now?'

But then, when Tee called him back, his smile had coming back, forgetting everything he was thinking just now and he was answering it right away, heading to the car park.

End of Chapter 2

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