Chapter 22

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Tae hated that he was busy in his birthday. He couldn't even sit properly to have a meal with Copter this morning, and even the whole day. He was missing the guy so much,  but when he saw how Copter was tired with all his school assignment, he didn't want to bother him so much. 

But tonight the customer strangely had been so many that almost all tables had been occupied, but he just had to help in the café since they said the customer were so many they couldn't handle and asked him to help.

Not long after that he could see Copter was coming in and he was happy seeing the guy. He could see Copter was getting thin with so many assignment he had to do that he had plan on taking Copter out today in this special day. He wanted this day to be the special day only for him and Copter. He was just about to walk to Copter when suddenly the lights out, and for a second there he thought there's a problem with the lights. But suddenly he saw the little light emerged from the kitchen and then all the people was singing him a happy birthday song, making him smile and excited.

He was happy they made him this surprise party, but blowing the candle? Well, he didn't have much choice but to comply with the party, isn't it? So he blow out the candle and the lights are on once again. He was looking around the people who have been close to him but he couldn't see Copter. So, he was turning around and was looking at where Copter had seated before wondering why Copter wasn't here close to him. He was about to call for him when Bas pulling him around telling him he needs to cut the cake.

With all eyes on him and Bas, he had to comply once again, and was cutting the cake just like he should be. He was cutting just about to turn around trying to call for Copter once again when suddenly Bas had feeds him the cake making him shocked but just smile and follow along. Copter's expression wasn't good and he could see even from where he was standing. Maybe he could at least feeds him the cake, Copter's mood could be better. But as soon as he was turning around, Bas had pulled his hand and makes it like he was feeding him instead. Tae was worried about how Copter would think and he could see how Copter was looking down on his drink, seems like he didn't care. Tae was sighing quietly in his heart. How he wish Copter was the one at Bas's place right now. But that's okay. He did promise himself to wait until Copter ready....or maybe he himself was ready....or whatever.

Tae was looking at the guy some more when suddenly Bas's action had shock the life of him. The guy was kneeling in front of him, while extending his hand with a ring in his hold. Tae was frowning, and thought, 'What is this?' He turned to Copter for a while and he could see how Copter was looking down staring at his two feet for quite some time now and he couldn't know how this all makes he feels, only then he turned his eyes to the kneeling person in front of him.

This was all too shocking for him that he couldn't even focused in every single words coming out of Bas's mouth, or everyone else's reaction. When everyone was suddenly silent, and followed by people keep saying on 'accept, accept, accept', Tae didn't want to humiliate Bas in front of everyone, and thinking that maybe they could have a real talk later, so he took the ring and when Bas had standing up, Tae was pulling him into his hugs, whispering in his ear, "We need to talk after this." making Bas frowning now.

While hugging Bas, he could see that Copter couldn't even look at him and was standing trying to go away, but he was shocked to see the person standing before Copter.



Godt and Copter was walking side by side heading to the restaurant down town. It was a quiet place that Copter was frequent on these days, when Tae didn't have time for him or when Tae was out with Bas going somewhere.

Godt keeps on glances at Copter who was walking calmly beside him, not saying a word. He originally want to come here as an excuse of a getaway, and at the same time he could meet with Tae, maybe to rekindle the broken friendship that he cared so much. Never cross in his mind that Copter would be here, living close with Tae that he didn't know how to react. Seeing how Tae had someone else as his boyfriend, is Copter still single?

Is Copter alright all this time? How is he been doing? What he is doing now? Working? There's a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but he didn't know where to start or even how to really talk to him now.

Getting inside the restaurant, they take a seat beside the window. Ordering a glass of coffee ice for himself, Copter was looking outside the window. Once the waiter had dismissed, Godt was looking at Copter for some time before he was uttering a word, calling Copter.

"Cop....." Slowly Copter was turning his head to him, but didn't say anything, making Godt reluctant to say anything. And the cold gaze Copter had given him was the first that somehow makes him shiver. He never saw Copter looking back at him like this, not even on the night Copter knew about him and Tee. That makes him nervous and he was swallowing his saliva. Gone was all the superior feelings towards Copter all this time. He realize now how much of a jerk he had been to Copter all this time. And of course, Copter should hate him so much for what he did to him.

"I know it's late and it doesn't matter to you anymore, but I still want to say sorry for all the things I've done to you. I've been a bad guy, never really appreciate you, I promise a lot of things but I did nothing to fulfill all those promises. I'm sorry you suffered because of me, Cop." Said Godt making Copter sighing a little and turning his gaze outside the window once again.

"You are right. It doesn't matter anymore and never in my life had I thought that we could meet again like this. Of all the times, why now?" said Copter feeling a little bit bitter. If ever he had to meet Godt again, it could makes him feel better if he was in a happy relationship with certain someone and said that to his face that he could live a better life even without him.

But fate was a really funny things. When he was in a pit, feeling like sh*t, heartbroken to pieces, all he had to be met with is with this guy who had done a lot worse to him. He wanted to laugh at his fate but he couldn't have enough energy even to laugh.

"How are you, Cop? What are you doing right now? Are you living okay?" Godt couldn't help but to ask the questions he was meant to ask before, but all he get was a glare from Copter. Since the waiter came serving the drinks for them, Copter didn't talk yet but to just glare at the guy. Once she left, Copter was smiling a cynical smile.

"Since when do you care about me, P'Godt? You never care when I was there beside you, trying to appease you, trying to have your little attention to me, which I have none. I did everything I could to please you, while all the time keeps on wondering what I did wrong. For so long I live like a dead person in your house with you nowhere around me, treating me like a stupid bitch, when you took me away from my home and my life. A home I can never get back to, a life that I lost along the way losing myself. I blame you for everything that happened to me, so, why are you acting like you care now? This are all bullshit! All of you are bullshit!"

Copter couldn't contain in his frustration anymore. What happen with Tae had rubbed it on him plus, seeing Godt all those suffering came all back to him plus he was still suffering a new heartbroken, making him felt enough of everything. This was so hard!

After enough bursting out, Copter was standing up right away and walked away, not caring where his foot brought him. He keeps on walking and walking with his tears as his companion.

End of Chapter 22

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