Chapter 7

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Copter was taking a rest under a tree while overlooking at the beautiful beach in front of him. His eyes was barely open with how bright the sun shine is. He was drinking his coconut water after finishing his fried rice. It had been three months living in this island. It was just his bad luck he couldn't get that bartender job he intended for coming here. But he was lucky enough when Korn and Knock let him stay with them, until he get a proper job, or until he decided to leave the island later.

The guy who was hiring him was actually their housemate, and the accommodation he was talking about was in the same house, which is why Knock and Korn can tolerate him living with them. Ever since then, he had make himself work, doing odd job around the island. Whatever problem, or help needed by any resort, company, or even individuals, he will help them if he was capable.

If not, he will be working here at the deck, helping those people moving things back and to the deck for a daily wages. He remembered the day he had to do this job on his first day. It's not that he wasn't used to hard labor, it's just that he wasn't use to life in an island, which could be extra hot during the day, and extra cold during the night. He got blisters and burned from the sun ray since he didn't covered his body properly when working. Knock and Korn had been a great help, sadly, once again and put the cream on him, which makes him feel a little bit better.

Having experience that once, Copter had never forgot to cover himself carefully whenever he was out for work. But then, still he couldn't run from the hot day in the island, which his skin suffer a little dark than the original. But, thanks to the busy life of trying to make a living day by day, he couldn't have enough time to think about the heartbroken he had, or about the person he thought he will miss.

"Copter!" hearing his name, Copter was fast put away the used pack for food and drink, and was running to the place he work for the day. Even though it was hardly giving him much wages for the day, but Copter could work happily and freely. Having some sweat while working wasn't at all bad, though he admit, that by the end of the day, it makes him so tired that he will sleep right away once his head hit the pillow.

"A boat is about to reach. Please get ready to take all the baggage out." The supervisor had instructed to Copter and while pointing at the incoming boat making Copter nodding his head and was taking his place while quietly waiting for the boat to arrive.

Once reaching the deck, Copter will always avoid looking at the new arrival customer and just focused on his job. With him covering almost his whole body and face, he shouldn't feel bothered with their judging eyes, but Copter didn't want any of those things bothering him.

Taking all the baggage, he walked away to the destination right away. Usually they had already been told the room number of the customer and would bring those baggage right to the room even before the guest finished checking in.

Just as usual, Copter will keep doing his job without any care in the world. Nothing can actually pique his interest anymore. Or so he thought.


"I'm on my way to Koh Talu." Said Tae over the phone when he was already on the boat.

"Already? Why don't you ask us to follow you?" Said Lam replying to him over the phone.

"You were busy, and I couldn't wait. I'll update if anything. Bye." Said Tae and cut the call right after.

After finishing the call, Tae was just looking ahead while sitting comfortably in the speed boat.

After getting the number from Park the other day, Tae keeps on calling that number until the guy was able to pick it up. Once he pick it up, Tae had talked to the guy over the phone. With a long explanation, the guy finally reveal the deal he had with Copter and the emergency that came after it. He, too, was actually worried about Copter since he couldn't contact Copter about the cancellation.

So, here he was on the speedboat, already heading to Koh Talu Island looking for Copter.

Once reaching the deck, the person in charge of the resort already coming near him with a welcome speech and he just nods his head while his side eyes could see a worker guy already taking his luggage and bring it to somewhere, he believed it was suppose his room.

After finished checking in, he was heading to his room right after and true enough, his luggage was already in front of the door. Getting in, he was taking his time looking around the room and also looking out of the breathtaking view of the beach, but none of it could rectify his feelings. He was anxious, worried and most of it, scared and missing Copter so much too. 'Copter, where are you?'

Knock! Knock! Knock! The knocking on the door was taking him out from his thoughts of Copter and he was turning around heading to the door. The supervisor guy who welcome him before standing before him with his wide spread business smile.

"I already call Mr. Korn and he said you just can meet them at the resort restaurant. They will be here on lunch hour." Tae was smiling hearing the guy.

"Thank you Mr. Pin. I'll be there." Mr. Pin guy just bowing down before retreat back to where he came from. Tae was asking about Korn or Knock that Wan telling him and Mr. Pin had told him he would asked them beforehand before giving him their phone number. But he came with the news that they would meet him here. It was for the better.


Tae was ending up coming earlier than he should. He couldn't sit around and waiting had been hard for him. He couldn't stop thinking and worried for Copter that he wish for time to just move faster.

No matter how much turmoil he had inside, Tae would just be sitting there exude his cold aura making girls who passed him by would be ogling over him. As usual, he would just ignore all that, while waiting impatiently for Korn and Knock to arrive.

"Mr. Tae?" Korn was the one greeting Tae first, when he saw the guy was sitting there drowning in his thought. He came with Knock and was welcome by Mr. Pin right away, and the guy would pointing to Tae who was sitting alone at one of the table.

Hearing someone calling his name, Tae was fast turning to the voice and when he saw two guys were standing beside him, he was fast standing up and offering a handshake.

"Yes, I'm Tae. You must be..."

"I'm Korn, and this is Knock, my boyfriend." Said Korn earning him a slap on his shoulder. "Au.." Tae was just smiling watching those two. They looks nice....and happy. Somehow, he felt jealous, wished he will be able to be like that too with Copter, someday.

End of Chapter 7

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