Chapter 8

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"Why are you looking for him and how do you know to come here and looking for us?" Knock was asking Tae suspiciously when Tae had showed him pictures of Copter, and asking them about his whereabout.

"He is someone I care about and he was gone before I could do anything for him. I was able to contact Wan, and he told me about the job offer he gave for Copter, and was worried since he couldn't contact Copter ever since he had to leave for his hometown. He told me about both of you just in case, but he told me not to put my hopes high since you both might be still on your photo trip. So, hearing that I could meet both of you today, I guess he must be wrong, and it makes me happy."

Korn and Knock was sighing hearing Tae. "We were supposed to be on that trip, but it was cancel last minute and here we are, with our usual business. Anyway, we are in no position talking about....."

"Isn't this Copter?" a woman's voice was taking all their attention to her, making Korn and Knock scowling at her trying to give her a a kind of signal not to say anything, but the girl wasn't even looking at them, and Tae was turning to her giving his full attention.

"You know him?" Not wasting any more second, Tae asked right away. Oblivious to Korn and Knock's expression, the server girl was just nodding her head excitedly when she thought she could be of help to this handsome gentleman.

"Of course. He is our star worker. He is good in almost everything. But look at his it was weather is bad for him. I think he wasn't suitable with island's weather...too bad...."

The woman's words were halted when Tae was fast tugging at her hand, making her nervous and shocked at the same time. somehow, she maybe enjoyed it too much, make Korn and Knock rolling their eyes to this girl.

"Do you know where he is right now? Can you bring me to him? How is he? Is he okay?"

The woman was just shocked at Tae's reaction's and question, which he didn't masked any desperation he had, while she just keeps on looking at Tae then turn to Korn and Knock who keeps on shaking their head, and turn to Tae who was still desperately waiting for her response.

"I....guess.... he was still sitting under the coconut tree there. He was resting there while waiting for boat to arrive. He will be off work in another three hours." Tae was looking at the place where the woman was pointing, and was running there right away leaving that woman dumbfounded with Korn and Knock still shaking their head to this woman's action. They always know how talkative she is...but this was unexpected.

Copter was sitting at the usual seat under the coconut tree, with a few other friends who also waiting for the boat to arrive for today. And while resting under the tree, he open the cover on his face so he could feel a breeze of fresh beach air, while wiping the sweat that was all over his face. Then using the same cloth, he fan his face and neck, to get a much better breeze for himself.

Sitting there, while sometimes laughing at the jokes the friends made at each other, Copter wasn't aware of the soul coming near them, or specifically for him. Even though it was already three months, the heat here at the island during the day still got to him, so, it was hard for him. Because of that, he was rarely cares for the world except related or needed.

When he was taking his time watching his friends and laughing with them, suddenly Copter felt his shoulder was been tapped by someone making him turning around, and was shocked, and even shocked was understatement since he never thought he would meet the guy again.

"P'Tae......" Copter was slowly standing up and before he could react more, Tae was pulling him in his hugs, while heaving a relief breath, making Copter stumble but he was just leaning on Tae, while the other guys who were there was shocked and some are scowling, while others just ignore.

"You are are here...and you will be okay from now on." Tae said while patting on Copter's shoulder in his hugs.

Copter was still confused, and when he realizes that this situation were actually awkward, Copter was trying to push Tae, but the hugs was so tight that Copter had to push a little harder, only then Tae was reluctantly let Copter out from his hold.

"Why are you here P'Tae? And how do you know to find me here? Or is it coincidence? Did you have a vacation here? With your frie......nd?" Towards the end of his words, Copter was worried and afraid. What if P'Tae had a vacation with P'Godt and P'Tee? What should he do? Should he run? Should he face them? Should he......

".....ter! Copter?!" the shake on his shoulder and the shouting voice taking him out from his panic state, making all his friends gave him a worried look while Tae was still anxiously holding him.

"Are you okay? I came here specifically looking for you. I'm not in any vacation with anyone here, I'm alone. But I'm happy I found you. And that you are okay, it makes me happy more."

Hearing Tae, Copter was frowning. "Why?" Tae was confused hearing Copter's question.

"Why are you looking for me? You have no reason, right. I'm no one for P'Godt and....."

"You should know by now how much I care for you Copter. Do you know how crazy I am thinking and worried about you, all alone, and nowhere to be found? Promise me, you will not do this again."

Tae said cutting Copter's words but still didn't stop Copter from talking again. "Why are you doing this? You shouldn't be doing this P'Tae. Please, leave me alone. I don't want to have anything to do with P'Godt anymore. I don't care what you said or do, I never want to go back there anymore."

Said Copter with full conviction, trying to make Tae understand when he assume Tae was there looking for him to persuade him to go back to Godt once again.

"Of course you should. Even if you want to go back to him, I will stop you this time." Hearing Tae, Copter was the one frowning. So, why was he here?

"Then why......." Tae cut Copter's words before Copter could finished his question.

"Obviously because I care about you. I'm bringing you back with me." Hearing Tae Copter was fast shaking his head, and was trying to push Tae away.

"No, I don't think I could face him and P'Tee anymore. I...." Tae was holding Copter's hand, trying to explain things to him once again.

"I quit my job. I'm bringing you back to my hometown. Do you still remember about my hometown?" Copter who was looking straight at Tae now was nodding his head while still waiting Tae to explain more.

"Come live with me there. Look at you! You were hurting inside and out, with no one to take care of you. Someone said life here wasn't for you. Come with me, na?" Copter was still frowning.

"But I'm nobody to you and....."

"Just go, Cop. He obviously came for you. I don't know about your relationship, but seeing how you have to suffer, we actually worried about you. The heat never been easy for you, no matter how long you are here. We thought maybe after one week, or at most a month your skin would get used to it, but it didn't. We were so sorry to you, but it was hard on us when we couldn't help much."

One of the friends suddenly voice out, since they had been there watching and listening from the beginning.

"Let's go meet your manager a...." Tae was pulling Copter a little hard when Copter whimper making Tae stop automatically and focused on Copter back.

"Ouch....." Tae turned around hearing Copter and loosely hold on Copter's hand.

"What's wrong?" While looking intently at Copter's hand only to see a lot of blisters on his hand when Copter uncovered the cloth covering his hand.

Tae's eyes was watery, but tried his hardest not to shed any tears and keep it in. How much Copter had to suffer all this time, he didn't want to imagine it. But he will make sure Copter won't be suffer anymore from now on. He pulled Copter carefully so that he will not hurt the guy more than he already is.

"Let's go meet the manager and I will tend to your hand later."

End of Chapter 8

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