Chapter 21

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Arriving straight home, Copter was heading to his room and was looking up at the calendar. He knew Tae's birthday was around this month, but he didn't really remember the exact date of it. So, once he came back, he take a look at his calendar and he was smiling knowing that it was three days away. He was occupied with his emotion so much that he almost forgot about Tae's birthday.

Smiling to himself, Copter was taking out his phone and was dialing Park's number.

"Hello, P'Park, it's me, Copter." Said Copter right away once Park answering his call.

"Hey, Cop. I just about to call you." Said Park making Copter frowning.

"Why?" he asked not wasting any second.

"Bas had planned a surprise party for Tae. He asked to tell you to be there. You don't have to do anything, Bas had done everything else. Make sure you will be at the café that night, okay?" Said Park making Copter speechless.

"Okay, P." Copter was cutting the call off right after that Park couldn't even have time to ask the reason why he called.

Copter then was laughing to himself. He was a joke. He had been late again. Just maybe all his nightmare was the truth nightmare he was living in. They were right when they said he didn't deserve to be love. They were right when they said he was a boring person that makes people out of love even if they loves him at first. And maybe he should start looking for a place he could live in once he had to get out from here.


"Tee, I was calling you to tell you that I was going to Chiang Mai." Said Godt while pulling his baggage walking inside the airport, making the call to Tee who was working at the office. Since the day Tee came to his parent's house, Tee had controlling every little things Godt could do. He couldn't even going out anywhere freely as Tee would ask so many things and in the end didn't even allow him to go. If Godt insist, he will tell his parents about it and his mother will calls him nagging for hours, and if he ignore their calls, his mother will appear in front of the door. Godt was so tired of it, so in the end he just stay in the house most of the time.

Got to stay in the house almost all this time, only then he could think how cruel he was to Copter before. Sitting and waiting inside the house was so boring he could die, and never thought it will be this hard just by staying at home. He even once getting angry at Copter telling him just being a free loader with nothing to do, just because he stays home against his own choice. Because he made Copter stays home, when the guy reluctantly followed his request.

"Why Chiang Mai? Why so suddenly? Can't you wait for me?" Asking Tee.

"It's Tae's birthday and it's been some time that we saw each other. You wouldn't go even if I ask you. I'll be back with the first flight tomorrow morning okay. The flight is here, I will turn off my phone now." Godt was fast turning off the phone once he cut the call.

He breathe out of relieved that he was able to get away this time. Even though Tee told his mother, his parents couldn't do anything since Chiang Mai wasn't that near, and they would not take the plane just to scold him, don't they?


It was the day of the birthday of Tae. Copter wanted to wish him a happy birthday early that morning on their breakfast, but Tae didn't have time to even sit together with him that morning, saying he needs to deal with vendors and everything. Copter put the gift he prepared back into his bag before heading to his class.

The day went by in a blur for Copter. He knew he was supposed to be happy in days like this, but he couldn't. Things escalate so fast that he wasn't sure how to put himself. People will say his paranoia, but he could feel the difference in how all the staff treating him, P'Park and P'Lam was rarely talk to him anymore, and the most significant was P'Tae. He didn't care much about the time Copter coming back from college anymore, and that he was rarely talked to Copter outside or here at the café. He felt like an outsider, and that he wasn't belong here, or somewhere else.

He just standing still outside the café, looking through the glass window and watch how people were mingling with each other. Turning his view to the door of the café, only he could see the sign was actually 'CLOSE' and there's a 'RESERVED' below it. They said it was a surprise party, so, P'Tae might not realize anything about the sign. He looks so busy talking and serving, that someone might have taken the task of making him busy.

Watching how he wasn't needed, Copter was trying to turn around and leave, but thinking how P'Tae will be disappointed if he wasn't here, with a heavy step, Copter started walking in. Once he open the door, only could he heard the noise of people talking here and there, the song playing on the background and he was looking around. Most of them were the tenant here who are the regular customer that might had been invited to be here tonight.

Kimmon was waving to him to ask him join him at table, which Copter was heading to straight. He was just about to take his seat when Tae turn and saw him. Tae was smiling to him and he was smiling to him too. Tae wanted to come over, but then suddenly the lights off, and a few seconds after that, the lights of candles on a cake had seen emerged from kitchen, making all the people singing him the birthday song.

Copter wish he was there near him, seeing his shocked and excited expression. Tae was excitedly blow the candles once the birthday song had finished, and right after the candles light out, the café lights had been turned on once again.

Copter was just standing stunned watching how Bas and Tae was hugging each other. He couldn't tear his eyes away from them both when after that he saw Tae was turning to him and was trying to wave him to come closer but then Bas had pulled him away saying that he needs to cut the cake.

Silently and slowly, Copter was taking his seat, and all he could do was just watching how 'friendly' Bas and P'Tae is. They didn't even trying to mask their closeness, but to display to everyone around here, and as if Copter wasn't even here.

People were clapping their hands when Tae had done cutting the cake and Bas had taking the piece of cake and was feeding it to Tae, and once again people was clapping their hands. Tae was taking the piece of cake in his hand and was about to turn around, but Bas was positioning his mouth to Tae's hand, and it looks like Tae had feeding him back the cake, making people clapping their hands once again shocking Tae. He then turn around looking at Copter who was looking at his glass in his hand, instead of looking at him.

Copter was actually saw what happened, but since he couldn't took it, he tears away his vision looking somewhere else, and trying to focus in his drink instead. Kimmon could only watch this two stupid guy but he couldn't bare doing anything, since in the end it will hurt Bas, and he didn't want to hurt Bas. If Tae and Copter really makes for each other, he leave it to the fate to decide.

The sudden noise of people shocked and screaming of excited, forcing Copter to turn to Tae and Bas once again. He was shocked, as if it wasn't enough shocked he had for today, that he saw how Bas kneeling in front of Tae with his hand spread holding something like a ring. Even Tae had the expression of shocked, and that he couldn't mask it anymore.

"P'Tae, you are the warmest person and the gentlest person I ever meet in my life. You are a very understanding man, and very funny too that you made my day every day. You are the reason I could smile and laugh, and you are the reason I could feel all the happiness in this world. So, from today onwards, will you officially date me?"

Hearing Bas, Tae was more than a shock. Shock would be understatement, and the first thing he did was looking at Copter who was looking down crying away his tears that he couldn't hold it in anymore. And a moment later, people keeps on screaming, 'Accept, accept, accept' that just making Copter feels worse. What makes it worse of all, when after that people were cheering for Tae and Bas when Tae was taking the ring offered by Bas.

Couldn't afford to look at them both, Copter was standing up, turning around and was about to walk away when someone else had block his way. Looking up at the familiar face, Copter couldn't think his heart could handle so much shocked in a day, but he still alive and standing. But, seriously, P'Godt?!!

End of Chapter 21

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