Chapter 6

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"Do you have to do this? You can ask for leave.....and come back later. I want to find him too. Let's find him together, please." Godt keeps on persuaded Tae who was currently packing his things after dropped his resign letter to their upper management. However, hearing Godt's words making him stop for a while and turn to face the guy who had been the reason of all this chaos.

"You? Find him? For what? So that you can make him cry again? Trample on his heart and life again and again? You don't have an idea how much he had to let go just for him to follow you here, don't you? Use your stupid ass brain. Did you allowed him to make any friends all this time? Did you allow him to have any jobs? You are the only world he knew, but now that you already throwing him out...."

"I didn't throwing him....."

"Literally, don't. But indirectly, yes! You make it clear to him that you didn't want him anymore! What do you think he is? A statue?! I never know you are this asshole. Both of you!"

Tae's screaming had making all the other colleague turn to them, making all of them had a rough idea what had happened between them, but no one was saying anything, not to their face anyway.

With that, Tae was leaving the office he worked for five years only to find and bring back Copter. Yes, people might say it was ridiculous, but not to him. No one ever knew how he fall in love at first sight to the sweet dimple boy, when Godt had introduce Copter to him and Tee, suddenly that one day. He didn't bother about that feelings he had at first, until he surrendered to that fact. But knowing that Copter is Godt's boyfriend, he buried deep inside his feelings for he didn't want to ruin what his friends and Copter had. Never ever crossed his mind that his friend, his good and best friends, would do something like this.

Being an orphan after he lost his only family last year, he knew how lonely that feeling is. At least, he had a job, a home to get back to and even an inheritance. But Copter? This was all so cruel to him, and he worried for Copter so much he felt hopeless.

Getting into the car, he accelerate to the place he promise to meet his friends. He had a favor to ask.

"Tae, right here!" Tae was just getting into the restaurant and the receptionist just about to ask him if he had booked earlier or just a walk-in customer, that his friend saw him making the receptionist nodding her head to him, and Tae was walking heading to where his friends are right away.

"Hey....sorry I'm late." Tae was taking one of the seat at the same table of his friends. "It's okay. Do you want to order first?" Tae was nodding his head.

"Yeah, I need caffeine." Lam was giving a signal to call a waiter for their order. Once the waiter left with the order, Tae turn to Lam and Park in front of him.

"So, how is it? Did you get what I asked?" Tae asked. Lam was looking at Park so that he could answer the guy.

"I did ask my friend for help. Since he did it illegally, make sure you pay him as promise later. There is not much record. Just a common call from caterer, shops, deliveries. But there were one odd number, keeps on calling him yesterday."

Tae was frowning. "Why is it odd?"

"Well, the number keeps on calling, didn't have any history before that, I could say yesterday was the first time the number was calling. It's a business account, but, it had been blocked."

"Blocked?" Tae and Lam had talked at the same time.

"But I tried to call the number, but my call couldn't get through. Maybe you can try to call the number later. Since it was a business account, the number will not expired soon."

Tae was taking the papers that was passed by Park and was reading through the documents. A waiter came and put their orders on the table, and Lam had thanked the waiter before Park continue.

"The one highlighted with red is the number. I guess, that's the only hope we could get. He might knew something. And about the travel documents, he didn't take any flights yesterday. I think he might travel with the local bus, they might not record passenger's information."

Tae was sighing while hearing Park's explanation. 'Where are you, Cop?'

"Is he the guy that you told me about, Tae?" Lam was asking making Tae looking up from the document to him. Slowly, he was nodding his head.

"What happened?" Lam keeps on asking, couldn't really keeping in his curiosity anymore since he got the call yesterday, asking this kind of favor out of the blue.

"I'll tell you later all about it. But, Lam, I resigned from my job today." Both Lam and Park were shocked to hear the news.

"Are you sure? You didn't quit before even after your grandma died. Why now?" Lam keeps on asking since he wasn't sure if Tae make the right decision.

"I was supposed to quit after grandma died. Grandma had asked me to take care all of the inheritance, but I was delayed on it because of him. At least I would be able to meet him from time to time living here. If I were to go back to Chonburi, I'm afraid the chances of meeting him would be null. Now that things turn out this way, I'll find him and take him with me to Chonburi. I'll protect him. That's why I need to find him."

Park and Lam had looked at each other before looking at Tae back once again. "Don't worry. We'll find him." Lam had tried to calm Tae down, but the truth is, he didn't convince himself. There's so much place Copter could have gone, and they were left with no clue. Except for that odd number. But he really wanted to help his friend, since he could see how much Tae loves this boy.

Tae had never had any serious relationship, nor did he play around. Lam did asked once why he didn't choose any girls or guys who was approach him. All he said was, I'm still waiting for the right one. When Tae called one day telling he was falling in love, he wanted to congratulate that guy, except that he was crying while telling him that.

From that moment, he wished Tae had moved on and looking for someone else, but life had different plan for his friend. Lam just hope that Tae will one day could be happy and his wished will come true with this boy. That's why, no matter how hard it is, he will help his friend.

End of Chapter 6

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