Chapter 12

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"You own this café?" Asked Copter in awe while looking around the small café at the ground floor of the building where Tae's house is. Even though it was already past 9am, the café was still full of people having late breakfast. Lam and Park was just smiling hearing Copter and was keep on walking, followed by Tae and Copter. Instead of taking one of the seat in the café, Park and Lam was walking through to the end till Copter saw a glass door and Lam was opening it, holding on to it, letting Park, Tae and Copter to come in, only then he close the door back. What behind the door was a small office with three sets of table and a small space for a set of sofa, and behind it was the main door, making Copter curious about this office space. Maybe, this is where Park and Lam work.

Tae was taking the single seater, Park and Lam taking the two seater seat forcing Copter to have the single seater, opposite to Tae. Once sitting down, Park was looking at Copter who was still looking around the office.

"This is where we both work, Copter. And we work for Tae." Said Park, taking the attention of Copter, but he was frowning hearing him. "Do all café needed this kind of office?" he asked innocently. He was curious since in all of his experience working in a café, he never had work with a café which had a big office like this. He might think that this was all unnecessary for a café. What a waste of space.

"Café is not the only thing Tae's own, Copter. This whole building is his." Hearing Lam, Copter turned to Tae and was blinking his eyes for a few moment before confirming it. "You own this five story building, P'Tae?"

Tae couldn't help but smile and be captivated once again at how cute Copter curious and shocked face is. He took his time enjoying the view before him before answering the said guy.

"Basically it was my grandmother's property. I just inherited it from her. This is the little business I told you before. On this ground floor we had convenience store and café. And another 3 floor is the rented room, and the upper floor is my house. Park and Lam had been helping my grandmother before, and now, they continue the business, and helping me."

Wow....Copter didn't know how to response to this. Even though Tae said it was little, but he knew this kind of business is not that little.

"Wow, this is very interesting. But, only two of you working here? You both manage all the business?" Copter asked, turning to Park and Lam.

"Yes, we have learnt a lot from Tae's grandmother. Actually, Tae's grandmother was also like ours too. Tae and his grandmother took us in, right after we came out from orphanage, taking care of us, giving us chances to study. So, it's only natural we were helping her right after we graduate. But Tae is a different story. His grandmother wanted him to have more experience in life, so she allowed him to work outside of the city. Gave him chance to live in the big city, but we both were more than happy to stay with her here. When she passed away, we were waiting for him to come back home, and we are really happy you both here now."

Park was explaining the things that Copter wanted to know, or might have questions later.

"I'm happy for both of you. And I know P'Tae is a good person, and I wished I knew P'Tae earlier and met his grandmother, but I guess, I could imagine how warm her smile was, just like how P'Tae is. Thank you, P'Tae, for coming to me when no one cared for me. Anyway, will you let me work here with you?" Asked Copter suddenly making Tae frowning.

"What kind of session is this, Park? Don't be exaggerating. You both had helped me and my grandmother a lot. And no, Copter. I will not allow you to work here." Hearing Tae, Copter was pouting.

"But I should work at least. I couldn't just live off of you just like that. Please, na, P'Tae, let me work here. It doesn't have to be inside this office. I can work at the café, or convenience store. You know I'm a king of part timer before. Please, P'" begged Copter but Tae was still firm with his decision.

"I'm not bringing you here to let you work for me, Copter." Said Tae quite vehemently making Copter looking down to his feet. He didn't know how to make his stay here worth, than just being the free loader. It just doesn't sit right with him.

"No, I'm going to let you study." Said Tae making Copter turning his head fast hearing him.

"Study? But I need money for it. And besides, it had been a while. I don't know if I'm still good for it, P'Tae." Said Copter dejectedly. It was once his dream to continue his study, but when Godt came into his life, he did told him his intention, but Godt said he didn't need to. Godt just didn't want him to work, what more study. He thought he forgot about that dream, but now that Tae had mentioning it, he couldn't deny that he felt excited a little bit. But when thinking about money he needed, he knew it will not be easy. He didn't have a penny.

"It had been your dreams, I knew it, Cop. You had told me once, and I never forget. Anyway, who said you need to worry about money. I'm sending you there, of course I will pay for it. Just took it as my investment." Tae said making Copter frowning, and confused. He didn't know how to retort to that while Lam and Park was just smiling hearing it.


Copter was standing in front of the gateway of the college in front of him. No matter what he said, Tae was firm with his decision sending Copter to study and avoid working. Copter was sighing to all of this, but right now, watching all this in front of his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little excited too.

He took in a long breath before he was start taking another step, getting inside the college, with a new target in life, he was going to pay Tae with a great result. He will make sure to work hard for it.

Copter was walking on the sidewalk still looking around for his class when suddenly someone had hit him making him shocked which almost make him fall down if that someone wasn't hold him on is waist with his body bending down, making both of them facing each other.

The guy was smiling cheekily watching Copter. "You are cute." Even though the guy was saying it slowly, but Copter knew he heard it. "Huh?" he could only respond on it that way, when suddenly the cheering of a group of girls taking their attention and the guy was fast helping Copter to stand up properly, while his hand on Copter's shoulder, pulling Copter close beside him, facing the group of the girls, who seems chasing him with a lot of present in their hands.

"Sorry to disappointed you girls. But I'm dating this cute young man." The guy turned to Copter with his still cheekily smile planted on his lips, making Copter frowning turning to his left and a little bit up since that guy was taller than him.


Copter couldn't react fast enough when the guy was pulling him and walked away from all the girls, which still processing the information the guy gave them. "Bye girls!"

When they were already at a place when those girls was out of sight, Copter couldn't help but push the guy hard and was punching him on his stomach, making the guy bending down, covering the area, while enduring the pain it cause.

"Who the hell are you and what right do you have telling people I'm dating you when I'm not? Do you think I'm that easy?! Do you seek death? Huh?!!"

End of Chapter 12

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