Chapter 7: The roar of the martial

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Chapter 7: The roar of the martial

spirit and the sweep of the sword that breaks the shield ring.

“This little guy’s combat skills are among the best among many students!”

“Compared to these ordinary academic professors, he is no less impressive!”

“The most important thing is that he is a non-class individual. What? He can use all the skills of the classes and uses them very skillfully. He is simply a martial genius!”

“What about endless mana? Is it his unique talent?”


The platform is superior.

After watching Ling Zhan's battle.

Even the principals and deans who initially wanted to see the joke had to admit that this boy's combat experience and proficiency in using the skill were top-notch.

The most terrifying thing was the success rate of this kid's skills.

As you know, when some magicians fire the [Fireball Skill], they sometimes fail to blow up the target.

When some assassins use [Ghost], they often fail to accurately slit the throat and may sever the target's arm, failing to deliver a fatal blow to the target.

Therefore, sometimes the same skill can have completely different effects on different people.

Obviously, the effect of these basic skills on Ling Zhan could be said to be almost perfect!

“If this kid changed his class, wouldn’t his future be brighter?”

All the principals and deans had the same idea.

At the same time, they developed a mentality of cherishing talents.

What a waste of natural resources!

Such an outstanding student is actually a non-class individual!

Lose! What a waste!

“Senior Ling Zhan’s combat skills are enough for us to learn!”

“Yes, the strike rate of that skill is ridiculously high. It can be seen that Senior Ling Zhan is training hard!”

"Did you notice that, Senior Ling Zhan? It's very quiet from start to finish. He never takes any action against defensive mutants, only those individuals with low defense.”

“This is Senior Ling Zhan’s wisdom. He probably planned how to do this from the beginning. It’s done.”

“What! Why are you still in a daze? Take out your phone and take a picture! "What a wonderful battle scene! You will be lost if you miss it!”


After the girls of the first and second grades heard the comments of the school principals and deans.

Their admiration for Ling Zhan had reached a new level.

Other teachers also agreed with the students' words.

As teachers, the level of their combat skills go without saying.

In the past, when they saw the class fighting in practical classes, they almost felt that there were a lot of shortcomings.

There are many shortcomings in the use of skills, combat tactics, skill hit rate, etc.

But why don't we see any flaws in Ling Zhan?

Smooth launching of skills, ridiculously high hit rate, exaggerated use of physical skills, etc. How can the average student do this?


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