Moon Man(2)

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In Tellesey, a astronaut, Charlie Dodwell called his friends for a party. In the party he was eager to see Mariah Helen, his old partner in the LCorp Missionary. When Mariah came , he suddenly got a call from Brook Field, his new partner in the LCorp Missionary.
"Hey dumbhead Dodwell, where are you?!"
"Home. What you want idiot? And stop calling me as a dumbhead and don't call me because I am in a party with Mariah Helen"
"You want party? We are in a danger stupid"
When Brook was talking, Charlie hung up the call. Charlie was dancing with Mariah and suddenly the top of the house was attacked by someone
Charlie said
"Its alright , its too strong, so will not
fall when attacked."
When he was saying about the roof , the roof over his head fell down and the attack was done by Brook.
Brook said
" Come on, let's go"
They went to th LCorp Missionary and met Captain Hooke.
Captain Hook said
"Hey fellas, the meeting is being held there. Go and join them. There is our president's entrusted chief of astronauts, Marcus Rhodes."
"Hey Brook and you? I don't know your name"
"Its okay. I am Charlie Dodwell"
"So you are the well experienced astronaut. Right?"
"Right, what is the matter? Why you called me?"
"Everton's moon is lost for 15 years"
"What to do then?"
"We are going to space"
"Sir, don't include me and not 'we' its 'I' "
"No you are a well experienced astronaut. You have to come with us."
"Take Brook. I am not coming back to space"
"I had a bad experience. Don't ask sir"
"You should come with us . Everton needs you ."
Dodwell returned to his home. The space aircraft was scheduled to move the next day. The challenge was in the hands of Rhodes. But will Charlie return? Let's see it in the next part

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