Tremendous Heroes:Age of Deutron(2)

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           Tremendous Heroes Base

Dodwell asked to stay on Earth

"So, why you asked us to stay on Earth?"(Niobolt)
"Last story, I said it "Until he comes" that's what I said"
"Hey, we can't wait until he comes"(Nathan)
"He is right, in space, the time duration to reach Narook is 3sec. That 3sec in space will be calculated as 3 days in Earth."(Power Zola)
"Yeah... But one more... Reason is there"(Moon Man)
"What?"(Homio Laser)
"Someone called huh... Yes, huh... Yeah, Blah... Yes, got it, it is Broken Conway. He called me... Huh, for help"
"What help?"
"His company, IMPH was attacked by someone"
"What is IMPH?"(Legid)
"Huh... Immortal Missionary for Patrolling Heroes is his company name which was started for us"
"For us?"(Nathan)
"Yes, he made it for us so that... Huh... That someone who attacked, attacked the company because Broken started this company for heroes"
"Who told him to start!?"(Nathan)
"Don't know but he started it for our safety."
"Our safety? We have our safety on our own"(Nathan)
"Yeah... But he did for something... Wait, why am I supporting him!? This is huh... Something chaos"
"Chaos? I heard cat"(Niobolt)
"Cat? That could be mat"(Homio Laser)
"no, rat"(Jules)
"No, no, it is... Wait, hey! Stop it! Oh, shit"(Nathan)
"Shit is not rhyming"(Moon Man)
"Hey!!! Stop, we have to save him anyway"
"Yes, we forgot it"
"Not 'we' it is 'I' "
"Yeah, I forgot it, right?"
"Yes, let's go. Tremendous Heroes Assemble"

              IMPH, California Forest

Someone running with heavy breaths...
"Hello, anybody is trying to flood this area with your bombs?"(Moon Man)
"We are... I am not the only one. There are so many of us out there yet"
"Really? Just die for your scrap plan"(Nathan)
"Ok... Demise for honour"
"Great, but we don't do it. We want everything about your plan. It's objective. Who made this plan work?"(Moon Man)
"It's our mighty sir. He is Mrake, King of us and Demon to you all!!! Hahaha!!!"
"Let him be. But we will find him. Don't worry. Until that just shuteye"
---------Gunshot sound
"We need to take over, now. Niobolt smash all those outfield troopers"
"Find that man. Broken Conway..."
"Let's start our work. Again..."(Nathan)
"Let's crush 'em"(Homio)
"Together..." (Moon Man)

            IMPH Conference Coliseum

"Keep that there. Be careful, it is highly radioactive"
"Ok, sir"
"Sorry to interrupt, may I ask you what is going on here?"(Moon Man)
"Hey! Catch him! He is that Moon Man. One of the heroes..."
"I am a hero. Proud to hear it"
"It will be...(malicious smile)
After fight----------
"That was an austere combat"(Moon man)
He walks through the coliseum. He finds a unique radiological reactor.
"What is this? 19...98. Founder: Zend Forestor. This is like an illusion. How this kind of machine existed in 1998!? This is... Radiological Mechabot Designer. What can I do with this? But I could take this, MB chip, instead..."

                  IMPH Hostage Room

------------ after battle...
"We did it. Made them all down head"(Niobolt)
"Of course, we did"(Nathan)
"Now are you okay, Broken?"(Moon Man)
"Broken?... I am Blasten Conway"
"Whatever... Are you okay?"
"To a very lesser extent..."
"Why? We saved you, huh?..."(Nathan)
"That's one big anecdote"
"Okay, leave it..."(Moon Man)
"Dodwell, what did you take from that coliseum?"(Reyland)
"Me? Huh... Nothing. Just sauntering in there"
"Okay. Nothing anything else left, right?"
"Yes. Nothing..."
They went to the base and agreed to go to space. But there was an interruption.

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