Moon Man(4)

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15 years ago, Kroos was handling q murder case in Everton. One day Kroos investigated a old house. At that time when the moonlight hit the house, he changed into white and turned normal. He felt so strong than before and soon he realised that the power can control the moon. He was named by his assistants as ' The Lunar' but we can name him as 'The Lunar Scam'. He had a power called Lunar LightDose which burns the target by moon power. He travelled to space and one of his soldier's sister was a chemical Engineer. So he called that girl, Mariah Helen to make a chemical which covers the entire city from the moon. And this was the chemical which Dodwell saw when Mariah came to the party. Kroos made that to distract the cops fully on Everton. So he started controlling the moon.

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