Moon Man(3)

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Mariah went to Dodwell's home to meet him. But she didn't want meet him instead to tell the information that Dodwell is home to Colonel Kroos. Mariah sneaked but she was caught by Charlie. Charlie got the whole information of Everton's no moon through her. Charlie killed her and decided to go to the aircraft. Charlie entered the aircraft and told them about the truth behind Everton's no moon. Rhodes said
"We can go now and stop him"
They went to space and were searching for Everton's atmosphere. Meanwhile in the President's house, president was talking with Kroos about to save Everton. Kroos said
"Sir that is a small city for no use. Why we have to help it from danger?"
"What are you saying Kroos?! Every city of United States is our heart. How can you say that?!"
"Sorry sir. I am very sorry. Forgive me for this. My intention is not doing this but I have to do this. Say president do you know about the word 'Fear'? I will teach you what is it."
"No Kroos what are you doing?!"
"Oh no, the president is dead. Come you stupid guards take him and put him in the coffin. Find the new president who supports us. Ha!ha!ha!"
Rhodes found the Everton atmosphere. The atmosphere was slimy and was big enough to cover the entire city from the moon. Dodwell thought
"Why Colonel Kroos has to cover Everton from the natural satellite? I think I know this chemical on atmosphere"
Why does Colonel want to cover Everton from Moon? Does Dodwell know about the chemical? Let's see it in the next part.

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