Tremendous Heroes: Age of Duetron(3)

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                     Tremendous Base

They were in the base, while there was
an interruption. It was Dodwell.
"Hey, ..huh... Wait."(Dod)
"For what?"(Nio)
"I... Huh... Took something from that coliseum"
"I knew it, man"(Reyland)
"I took a mecha bot designer from there. It was invented in 1998 and was concealed for 25 years. But now I saw it. I took the chip from there. Just I need to do some mechanics. U-17 Moon Buster will help me with this. Also anybody?"
"I am there for you, son"(Legid)
"I am also"(Nio)
"Right, let's make it"
They were doing their work. It was relentless. After some time, they did it.
"Son, we made it. It is ready"(Legid)
"Yes, Dad"(Dod)
"I am eager to see it now"(Nio)
"Let's go to the party now. It will finish in 2 hours.
After some time in the party.
"Mission 'Tremendous Heroes Destruction' "(Mechanical voice)
"What is that voice?"(Reyland)
"Is that the mecha bot?"(Nathan)
"Yes, think so"(Dod)
"Shut it off now!!!"
"We can't. It's behaving automatically"(Legid)
"What can we do now?"(Homio)
"Let me kill you all. I am Deuteron"
"He has a name? Who named it?"(Dod)
"We can disable him somewhat"(Legid)
"Then do it, Legid"(Nathan)
"It's not that easy."
Deutron suddenly started shooting them. The place was collapsed. Everything fell. It was like an artificial disaster. For this reason, the Pollutant Service Team occupied the place to arrest the Tremendous Heroes. Its leader, Rellow Plank forced them to relinquish. They fought but in between the fight, Deutron came and attacked them.
"Who are these fellows"(Nathan)
"PST aka Pollution Service Team. We made this place polluted. So they are here to arrest us."(Legid)
"For this, a team?"(Reyland)
"Let me disable it. Hmm... There it is, the chip. Power Zola hit that chip, right there in its back"
Power Zola hit and Deutron was disabled. But because of that PST, the heroes split from each other into different nations. However, they defeated the PST. The PST's new leader was assigned. It was Doster Blake. He came up with 90 soldiers and a mutant commander to find the heroes.

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