Tremendous Heroes(2)

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                The Tremendous Base

When Moon Man said about the aliens and the spaceship, they decided to go to space. They were talking about the aliens at their base. Legid started

"Hey, son you know who are they?"
"No, Dad"(Dodwell)
"I think we have to research about it"(Reyland)
"Yes, Reyland"

They were talking about the aliens till the evening. Suddenly then Charles got stressed and confused. His mind has gone out of its limit. A few minutes later, he turned normal and said

"They are coming! (fear)"
"Who?"(Moon Man)
"Felix and his crew"
"Who? I can't figure out"(Electrode)
"He is the head of the spaceship that you saw, Dodwell"
"Oh, my!"
"Then Moon, he is coming to us!"
"Yes, Nathan"

A few minutes later, Reyland recognized that Charles is having a stone in his chest. Reyland asked

"Charles, what is that stone in your chest"
"It is a Cosmic Stone"
"What a Cosmic stone?(questioning)"(Moon Man)
"Yes, what is that?"(Legid)
"I will explain to you all about them"
"So there are more like this?"(Nathan)
"Yes, there are six Cosmic stones. Time, Reality, Space, Power, Mind and Soul Stones. They are the pillars of the universe. I am in charge and the owner of Power Stone"
"Great! So this stone welcomes new guests, huh?"(Moon Man)
"Yes, absolutely right. They will come this"
"Stone stealers"
"Robbery to own the universe"(Nathan)
"That's brutal(Disgusted)"(Jules)
"Hey, drink water. You are gonna vomit"(Reed)
"We are in great danger"(Niobolt)
"Everybody knows that"(Homio)
"Oh, shit. Wasted"

After all the discussion at the base, Jules and Nathan were talking.

"Hey, Jules do you think we are as strong as them?"
"What a question!"
"What did I ask?"
"Simply we are not strong as them, we are stronger than them"
"But now we have to go to space"
"Yes, our spaceship is being created by Reed, Legid and some employees"
"Okay. What can we do this evening?"
"You tell. My opinion is chatting"
"I think no"
"Then what? No... What are you doing? It is so hot"

That's all the first chapter, guys. The second will be the climax and the introduction of a new character. Stay tuned to read the next Marveless, not Marvellous part.

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