PowerZola: Rise of Felix(2)

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They went to Iron Strike. Niobolt contacted Logan to tell him that they are coming to save him. But Logan didn't attend the hologram call.

"Why is he not attending?"(Nio)
"I think he is imprisoned by Felix"(PZ)
"Oh, no. We have to save him"

         Narook, Outer Space Planet
210 light years distance from Earth

"Dude, Narook is so beautiful!"(Jules)
"Yeah so nice, huh?"(Nathan)
"Ok, let's get back to business"(Dod)

They were greeted by the King of Narook and the owner of Soul Stone, Gladin Alberto. They were seeing the planet with their eyes not blinking because of its beauty. Gladin showed them the entire planet and asked them to come to his Palace.

"Where is the Soul Stone?"(Electrode)
"Its safe. But I am so worried of its safety from the Mad Enceladen"
"This planet is so elegant. I am admiring its beauty. The environment, pollution less and these heritages, wow!"(Jules)
"Thank you. But this will not last for atleast 24 hours."
"The Soul Stone controls the heritages, environment and elegance of the planet. If it is taken by Felix, then the planet will desertify"
"That's insane"(Malice)
"Don't worry. We will protect it."(Reyland)
"Thank you for the assist, Tremendous Heroes"

                         Iron Strike
PowerZola and others sneaked into the planet. They saw big chains attached to the houses. Felix was torturing the innocent citizens. Finally, they found Felix and Logan. They tried to rescue Logan but Felix caught them. Mystique P used his magic and chain-locked Felix. But Felix used Power and Reality Stones at the same time. Reality Stone made the chain-lock to disappear and Power Stone made Mystique P to fall down. Felix tried to take Mystique P's Time Stone but PowerZola defended him. Felix defeated PowerZola and took the Time Stone from Mystique P. Felix prepared to go to Narook for Soul Stone. Niobolt tried to stop his travel but he too got defeated by him. Felix started moving stepup to Narook. In the way, he was interrupted by a mysterious man, Cosmolopse. He was the owner of Mind Stone. Cosmolopse attacked Felix with his Unibeam. But it didn't work. Felix defeated him too and got his 5th Stone. Felix entered Narook and was defeating every soldiers. At last, he met Moon Man and others. Moon Man attacked Felix but he was not defeated. Felix destroyed the whole planet's beauty by his Power Stone. Jules got very angry and attacked Felix with her Pink magic. Jules was also defeated. Again and again, they fought and was being defeated. Suddenly, the Nine Mystiques came out of some mysterious magic circles with some mutant beings. The mutants attacked Felix with their powers. The Sonic Runner too came and included himself in the fight. Vulture and Iron Arm too came. Atlast, all were defeated except Sonic Runner. Felix defeated Sonic Runner also and took the Soul Stone from Gladin Alberto. Felix was ready to snap his finger to destroy half the universe. But suddenly, a space hole appeared from what Kurt came into the Battlefield and punched him. It was called the Konrackole. By the time, PowerZola also came to defeat Felix. Kurt was defeated but PowerZola was not defeated. He attacked him by his fist. From Felix back, Mystique P used his magic to hold his hands. PowerZola took the Cosmic Gauntlet from him. Mystique P took all the Stones from it and placed them in their original locations. Felix's anger level was At the breathing state. But PowerZola and Mystique P together defeated him and sent him to his planet, Enceladus by Mystique's magic. The Stones are safe now. But Felix would come again for the Stones. PowerZola helped all his friends to get up and they went to Earth. Mystique P got his Time Stone and they went to Earth. Cosmolopse got his Mind Stone back. Kurt and PowerZola got their Stones back. Logan got his Reality Stone back. Alberto got his Soul Stone back, bringing back the beauty of Narook. The mission of defeating Felix is accomplished. But there are more thriller waiting for them in the future in a series.

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