Red Cop(3)

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                     Konrack, Egypt
                Police Station
Cops from Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Ukraine arrived at the police station in Konrack. Reed and Malice were in charge of the cops from every country.

"Cops! Get ready for a brutal skirmish. Cops from India, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and New Guinea go to the top of the military base which is near the mysterious pyramid. All others are on the ground. Charge! Soldiers go to your respective tactical places I said."(Reed)
"Ok, sir!"
"Reed, one minute I will go to one site and come"(Malice)

Reed was secured by almost 50 soldiers around him in the police station.

"Hey, soldier can you turn on the light?"
"Reed sir, the electricity is gone"
"Oh shit... Something is behind me, I can feel it. Give the torch instead"
"Ok, sir"

The soldiers were in front of him( that is some soldiers were standing at the entrance of the station and some were sitting on the stairs at the entrance) so he went to the back room which was a storage alone.

"Hello? Anyone there?"
"Yes, your girlfriend "
"What?! I am married and I don't have girlfriends"
"Then I am your friend, came here for one job which was assigned by my boss"
"Who is your boss? Wait, is that Legid?"
"Yes, I am his daughter"
"No, Reed. Don't believe her, I don't have a daughter"(Legid)
"What can I do now? This is frustrating!"

                  Konrack Secret Lab

Malice said to Reed that he is going to one site and this is the site. He was torturing Nathan on a stool. He was chain-locked and his shirt was removed for inserting the syringe which is made by Boseman.

             Konrack Desert Pyramid

Moon Man started to fight against Charles. The brutal conflict between them was splashing sand and smoke over the place. Niobolt attacked PowerZola without doing anything because Niobium is Power Zola's weakness.

              Konrack Police Station

Reed asked the girl again

"Who is your boss?"
"You will understand"
"What is that? You have a pink wave-like footprint. How is it possible?"
"This also you will understand"
"This is nonsense... No! Why you attacked me?!"
"I am testing your strength and you are powerful as I thought"
"Great! Brilliant testing..."

                 Konrack Secret Lab

Malice started making a process on Nathan by Boseman. Boseman again made a blue liquid. Boseman used it on him and made him unconscious. When he used it, the place seemed weird and suddenly Electrode came from the top and killed Boseman to stop the process.

"Enough, Boseman! You already used it for bad things. I spared your life, but this time I won't "
"You are late, Electrode"(Malice)

The process on Nathan was finished and a new creature was created.

              Konrack Desert Pyramid

Niobolt kept on attacking Charles with his Nio power. But at last, PowerZola attacked Niobolt by using Moon Man and defeated Niobolt.

               Konrack Police Station

Reed was planning to capture the girl who is having Legid. Finally, he got the girl and grabbed her but she attacked him and he fell. At the same time, 2 men were fighting and fell at the entrance of the police station. A hybridized creature cop attacked Electrode and defeated him. The girl attacked the hybridized cop with her pink splash beam. But while the attack, Homio Laser came and saved Nathan.

"Hey, girl and Reed, this is my creation 'Red Cop' Bow me for this creation. Wait, what is your name?"
"Jules Larah as Special Infinite"
"Oh! They are now making girl superheroes also? Ha! Ha! Ha!"

While he was laughing, in the back Red Cop attacked him and said sorry to Jules. Jules suddenly kissed Nathan for saving her. Nathan took Electrode, Jules, Malice and Reed to the battlefield to calm down Charles.

Charles defeated Moon Man also but Nathan came and attacked Charles. Charles was very powerful and defeated everyone. But all seven Homio Laser, Moon Man, Niobolt, Electrode, Red Cop, Reed and Special Infinite attacked together and defeated Charles. Jules went to the injured Charles and controlled his mind. All others were locking his hands and legs from moving. Jules calmed Charles and made him accept for coming to space to avenge the aliens.

"This would be my last time for mind controlling"(Jules)
"It is ok, you made great work, Jules"(Nathan)
"Thank you"
"They started kissing? From when?"(Moon Man)
"I saw it first. That was a romantic and fabulous kiss"(Reed)
"Oh! That's good. My eyes are getting shy to see this"(Electrode)
"Yeah... Ha! Ha! Ha!"(Niobolt)

The fight ended with a charming and romantic kiss from Nathan and Jules.
Legid's mission of scrutinizing Power Zola is accomplished. The Moon Man, Electrode, Niobolt, Homio Laser, Power Zola, Legid, Red Cop, Special Infinite and Reed have become a team.

Enjoyed reading guys? The next story will be The Tremendous Heroes. Stay tuned to read the Tremendous Heroes.

CK Cinematic Universe Phase 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora