Moon Man(5)

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The New president was allotted and he supported Kroos. So he ordered Rhodes to come back to Earth. They asked why the President said
" we can't help Everton anymore"
" who are you? you are not the president!"(Dodwell)
"President Jules Trent is dead. so I Mlauwo Ruthenford  became the President"
"Dodwell wait, I can't do anything. It's president order"
"But Rhodes..."
They return to Earth. Dodwell was angry. Suddenly, he got an idea in his mind. He went to Everton. When he entered Everton he was hit by a powerful light source and he fell down. When he woke up, he felt stronger than before. He was showing his palm to a Stand-clock. He fired a powerful beam from his palm. He felt proud and decided to use it for saving moon and Everton. He called himself as 'The Moon Man. He went to Brook's home. Brook shocked and said
"Awesome dumbhead. Your outfit is cool"
"Okay, thanks let's go"
"By what and for what?"
"Oh! You don't believe it. I can fly also"
"So... no!!! Why are you lifting me?! I am not a baby!"
"Sit quietly baby. We are going to stop Kross"
The Moon Man broke the chemical covering of Everton's atmosphere. He killed the soldiers and finally reached the moon. Kroos attacked Dodwell but he escaped. Dodwell attacked Kroos but he dodged and it went and hit the moon. Both attacked at the same time and a blast happened. The area was full of smoke so the Moon Man sneaked in this smoke and made a powerful move. The Lunar Scam was hurted and died. The moon man finally saved Everton. Mlauwo was arrested and the associates asked Moon Man to select the president. Moon Man said Marcus Rhodes as their president. The Earth got its first superhero.

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