Chapter 26: Fever

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As Zayden spotted Averyn walking back to the house, he couldn't help but notice the subtle tension in her posture, the furrow in her brow that hinted at a whirlwind of thoughts churning beneath the surface. Concern prickled at the edges of his mind as he approached her, his footsteps quickening slightly.

"Hey, Averyn, what are you doing out here?" Zayden called out, his voice gentle yet laced with worry. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that there was more to her evening stroll than she was letting on.

Averyn's response was casual, almost too casual, and Zayden found himself studying her carefully, searching for any hint of the truth behind her words. But her expression gave nothing away, and he was left with a gnawing sense of unease.

"Alright, just be careful out here by yourself," Zayden said, his voice tinged with concern as he watched her slip back into the house.

As Averyn disappeared from view, Zayden couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He made a mental note to keep an eye on his friend, determined to unravel the mystery of her evening stroll and ensure her safety, no matter what secrets she might be hiding.

Zayden pushed aside his doubts, choosing instead to focus on wishing Averyn well. Despite the lingering unease in his mind, he offered her a warm smile as she disappeared back into the house. Deep down, he knew there was more to her evening than she was letting on, but he trusted that she would confide in him when she was ready.

With a silent prayer for Averyn's safety and well-being, Zayden turned away from the house and headed back towards his own thoughts. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, but for now, all he could do was hope for the best and trust that his friend would find her way through whatever challenges lay ahead.

The next day, both Averyn and Zayden will be return back to London. They would bid farewells to their family before heading to the bus stop. 

Averyn's mother stood in the doorway, her eyes misty with emotion. "Take care, my dear," she said, hugging her daughter tightly.

Averyn hugged her back, feeling a lump form in her throat. "I'll miss you, Mom," she murmured.Her grandmother approached next, her face lined with wrinkles but her eyes twinkling with love. "Don't forget to visit us again soon, Averyn," she said, her voice tinged with sadness."I promise," Averyn replied, giving her grandmother a kiss on the cheek.

Zayden's parents stood beside him, offering words of encouragement and hugs. "Stay safe out there, Zayden," his father said, clapping him on the back.

"I will, Dad," Zayden replied, trying to sound confident despite the nerves churning in his stomach.

"Averyn, promise you'll come back soon!" Avenys exclaimed, hugging her tightly."Yeah, we'll miss you, big sis!" Avin added, joining in the hug.

Averyn smiled warmly, returning their embrace. "I promise I'll visit as soon as I can. Take care of yourselves, alright?"

"We will! Have a safe trip!" Avenys said, stepping back with a smile.

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