Chapter 35: The Ball

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Three hours before the ball party, Calliax sat in a dimly lit room across from Marshal Reynolds, his superior. The atmosphere was tense, the gravity of their conversation hanging heavy in the air.

"Colonel, we cannot afford to overlook any potential threats," Marshal Reynolds began, his voice low and serious. "The recent leaks of classified information have put us in a precarious position. We need to find the traitor within our ranks before they can do any more damage."

Calliax nodded, his expression grim. "I understand the urgency, sir. I've already initiated an internal investigation, but it's proving to be challenging. The traitor is skilled at covering their tracks."

Marshal Reynolds leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "We must be vigilant. The security of our nation depends on it. I trust you'll do everything in your power to root out this threat, Colonel."

Calliax straightened in his chair, determination flashing in his eyes. "I won't rest until the traitor is apprehended and brought to justice, sir. I'll leave no stone unturned."

The marshal nodded, a sense of confidence in Calliax evident in his demeanor. "Very well, Colonel. Keep me updated on any developments. We cannot afford any missteps."

With a final nod, Calliax and Marshal Reynolds concluded their meeting, both knowing the weight of the task ahead of them. The investigation into the traitor would require all of Calliax's skill and expertise, and the fate of their military and nation hung in the balance.

As the discussion neared its end, Calliax leaned forward, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Sir, I have an idea," he began slowly, choosing his words carefully. "Instead of directly targeting the traitors, what if we create an opportunity for them to reveal themselves?"

Marshal Reynolds raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Calliax's suggestion. "Go on, Colonel. What do you have in mind?"

Calliax's lips curved into a subtle smile as he explained his plan. "We could organize a simulated emergency situation within the military. Something that would require immediate action and coordination from all units. By carefully orchestrating the scenario, we can observe how each member of the military reacts. Those who hesitate or exhibit suspicious behavior could potentially be the traitors we're looking for."

The marshal nodded, considering Calliax's proposal. "It's a risky approach, but it could yield valuable insights. We'll need to ensure that the scenario is realistic enough to elicit genuine reactions from our personnel."

Calliax nodded in agreement. "Exactly, sir. And by keeping the true nature of the exercise confidential, we can gauge the true loyalties of our troops without tipping off the traitors."

Marshal Reynolds leaned back in his chair, a sense of satisfaction evident in his expression. "Very well, Colonel. Proceed with your plan. But exercise caution—we cannot afford any mistakes."

With a firm nod, Calliax affirmed his understanding. "Understood, sir. I'll begin preparations immediately." The meeting concluded with a sense of purpose, Calliax already formulating the details of his plan to lure out the traitors hiding within their midst. 

As Calliax stepped out of the Marshal's office, the weight of his duty still heavy on his mind, he couldn't help but overhear the lively conversation of his subordinates nearby. Rowan, Zayden, and Marcus were engaged in animated discussion about the upcoming ball party, their voices filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Can you believe it? The ball is finally here!" Rowan exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Zayden nodded enthusiastically. "I've been looking forward to this for weeks. It's a chance to relax and enjoy ourselves for once."

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