Chapter 31: We Meet Again

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The next day. It is the day off for Averyn, she go out for shopping some groceries.

 Under the mid-morning sun, Averyn strolled along the bustling streets, a canvas tote slung over her shoulder. The familiar hum of city life surrounded her as she made her way to the local market. Along the way, she passed vendors selling fresh produce, their colorful displays enticing her with their vibrant hues.

The chatter of passersby filled the air, mingling with the occasional honk of a car horn. Averyn weaved through the crowd with ease, her steps confident and purposeful. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, tempting her senses as she made a mental note to stop by on her way back.

Arriving at the market, she was greeted by rows of stalls adorned with an array of fruits, vegetables, and other culinary delights. The sight of plump tomatoes, crisp lettuce, and ripe berries brought a smile to her face as she carefully selected her items.

As she moved from stall to stall, she exchanged pleasantries with the vendors, their friendly banter adding to the lively atmosphere of the market. With her shopping list nearly complete, Averyn made her final purchases before heading back home, her tote now filled with the makings of a delicious meal.

Who would've expected her to coincidently meet the colonel once again? Upon seeing him in the street of the supermarket, Averyn stood not too far away from him. Once he saw her, a grin visible enough to appear on his stoic-looking face.

Calliax, clad in his usual formal attire, was engrossed in examining a selection of fresh fruits when he caught sight of Averyn out of the corner of his eye. His lips curved into a subtle grin, a rare display of warmth on his typically stoic countenance.

Averyn, meanwhile, froze momentarily as she spotted Calliax amidst the bustling crowd. Despite her attempts to maintain a composed facade, a flicker of surprise crossed her features before she quickly regained her composure.

Their eyes met briefly, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between them before Calliax approached with deliberate strides. Averyn, though caught off guard by his sudden presence, managed a polite nod of greeting as he drew near.

"Colonel," she greeted, her tone neutral yet tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Calliax, with a demeanor akin to a confident predator, closed the distance between them, his steps purposeful and deliberate. His presence seemed to loom over Averyn as he invaded her personal space, his imposing figure casting a shadow over her.

"Pleasure seeing you here, miss," he remarked, his voice smooth and controlled, belying the underlying intensity in his gaze. "What a small world, isn't it?" His words hung in the air, tinged with a subtle hint of amusement as if he relished the unexpected encounter.

Despite Calliax's proximity, Averyn managed to maintain her composure, her guard subtly raised in response to his encroachment. With a hint of formality, she returned his greeting.

"We meet again, sir," she acknowledged, her voice steady despite the underlying tension. "How's your fever?" Her question was polite yet distant, a subtle reminder of the boundaries between them.

"Much better now, thank you," Calliax replied, his gaze unwavering as it locked onto hers. Despite the coolness in her demeanor, he couldn't help but be drawn to the intensity in her eyes.

Averyn cleared her throat as she could feel his intense gaze on her. Calliax who sees her reaction just smirks as he asks her "Doing some chores, I suppose?"

Averyn nodded, her expression guarded. "Yes, just picking up a few things," she replied, her voice steady despite the slight tension in the air. She shifted slightly, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder, a subtle signal of her discomfort. "And what about you, Colonel? Running errands?" she asked, attempting to divert the conversation away from herself.

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