Chapter 27: Unexpected Kindness

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The phone at the café rang, breaking the rhythmic hum of the bustling establishment. Adaline, with her ever-graceful demeanour, picked up.

"Hello, how may I assist you?" Her voice carried a soothing tone, one that often put customers at ease.

The caller on the other end placed an order for delivery, listing off a delectable array of treats: cappuccinos, cheesecake, and a chocolate croissant. Adaline jotted down the details with practiced precision.

"And where shall we deliver this delightful spread?" she inquired.

The caller provided an address on 5th Street, prompting Adaline to confirm the order before hanging up.

Just then, Averyn, with a keen ear for opportunity, stepped forward.

"I can handle that delivery, Adaline," she offered, her voice carrying a hint of enthusiasm.Adaline hesitated momentarily, considering the offer. "Are you sure, Averyn?" she asked, her concern evident.

Averyn nodded confidently. "Absolutely. It's a beautiful day outside, and I could use the fresh air."

Adaline smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Averyn. Your help is much appreciated."With a nod of acknowledgment, Averyn set about preparing the order for delivery, eager to take advantage of the chance to step out into the sunshine and play her part in bringing a taste of joy to someone's day.

As Averyn made her way to deliver the order, she felt a sense of purpose driving her forward. She slipped on the helmet, securing it snugly in place, and mounted the waiting bike. With a gentle hum, the engine sprang to life beneath her.

The wind tousled her hair as she navigated the familiar streets, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee trailing behind her. The sun bathed the city in a warm glow, casting long shadows that danced along the pavement.

Averyn stood before the door of the apartment, the package held securely in her arms. She hesitated for a moment, her finger hovering over the doorbell. Little did she know that on the other side awaited none other than Colonel Calliax himself.

With a final breath to steady her nerves, she pressed the doorbell, the sound echoing softly through the hallway. Moments passed, filled with anticipation and uncertainty.

Finally, the door swung open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway. Averyn's eyes widened in surprise as she found herself face to face with none other than Colonel Calliax. Her heart skipped a beat, her mind reeling with the unexpected encounter.

But outwardly, she remained composed, offering a polite smile as she extended the package towards him. "Good afternoon, sir. I have a delivery for you," she said, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest.

Calliax blinked in surprise as he opened the door to reveal Averyn standing on the other side, a package held out towards him. He hadn't expected to see her here, not in his current feverish state.

Despite the fog of illness clouding his mind, he couldn't help but notice the concern etched into her features, the way her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of him. It was a stark contrast to the usual composure she exhibited in his presence.

For a moment, Calliax found himself at a loss for words, his mind struggling to catch up with the unexpected encounter. He cleared his throat, willing himself to maintain his usual stoicism despite the tumult of emotions swirling within him.

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