Chapter 49: Warmth

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Calliax watched Averyn's retreating figure with a mixture of conflicting emotions swirling within him. As she left his room, her frustration palpable in the air, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt gnawing at his conscience.

"I had to do it," he reminded himself sternly, his jaw set with determination. Despite the warmth he felt towards Averyn, he knew that revealing too much could jeopardize not only her safety but also the delicate balance of power that hung in the balance.

Yet, as he watched her disappear down the hallway, a part of him couldn't shake the pang of regret that tugged at his heartstrings. He knew that he had been harsh with her, dismissing her without offering any explanation, and the knowledge weighed heavily on him.

"Forgive me, Averyn," he whispered softly to the empty room, his voice tinged with remorse. He knew that his actions had hurt her, but he couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud his judgment, not when so much was at stake.

With a heavy sigh, Calliax turned away from the door, his mind already racing with plans to ensure Averyn's safety and protect the fragile peace that hung in the balance. Though he regretted his harshness towards her, he knew that it was a necessary sacrifice in the dangerous game they all played.

"You're too precious for me to risk," Calliax murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper as he turned away from the door and made his way across the room. With a heavy heart, he reached out and locked the door behind him, the click of the latch echoing in the silence of the room.

As he stood alone in the dimly lit chamber, a sense of isolation washed over him, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his responsibilities and the sacrifices he had made to protect those he cared about. Averyn's safety was paramount in his mind, and he knew that he would do whatever it took to keep her out of harm's way, even if it meant keeping her at arm's length.

With a weary sigh, Calliax settled into the solitude of his room, the weight of his decisions pressing down upon him like a heavy burden. Despite the ache of loneliness that gnawed at his soul, he knew that he couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment, not when the safety of those he loved hung in the balance.

"He won't let me go home either, claiming I might be a possible target, and yet he's ignoring me," Averyn muttered to herself, a hint of frustration lacing her words. "What a life you must go through, Averyn Marylyn."

With a resigned sigh, she continued her journey to the living room, her steps heavy with the weight of her thoughts. Turning on the TV, she sank down onto the couch, the soft cushions offering a momentary reprieve from the turmoil of her mind.

As the images flickered across the screen, Averyn allowed herself to be swept away by the distractions of the outside world, if only for a fleeting moment. Despite the uncertainty that loomed over her, she found solace in the simple act of escaping into the realm of television, if only to temporarily alleviate the boredom that threatened to consume her.

"Just this," Calliax murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper as he contemplated the weight of his decision. "After I got the authentication, I'll let you go. For good, Averyn."

The words hung heavy in the air, a silent vow echoing in the solitude of his room. Though the thought of releasing Averyn filled him with a sense of unease, Calliax knew that it was the right thing to do. Despite the bond that had formed between them, he couldn't keep her captive forever, not when her safety depended on her freedom.

With a heavy heart, Calliax resolved to see his plan through to the end, determined to secure the authentication that would ensure Averyn's safety and grant her the freedom she so rightfully deserved. And though it pained him to let her go, he knew that it was the only way to ensure her happiness and protect her from the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

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