Chapter 55: Accusation

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As the chaos of battle subsided, a sudden explosion shattered the relative calm of the room. Rowan staggered, his senses reeling as searing pain erupted in his torso. With a sickening thud, he collapsed to the ground, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he fought to remain conscious.

Through a haze of agony, Rowan registered the figure of Mr. Stalin, his form trembling as he held the smoking gun that had delivered the fatal blow. Despite his trembling, Mr. Stalin's eyes burned with a fierce determination as he leveled the weapon at Rowan, his voice quivering with a mix of fear and triumph.

"Haha! D-don't you ever get close to me!" Mr. Stalin's voice cracked with hysteria, his words punctuated by the tremors that wracked his frame.

With a groan of pain escaping his lips, Rowan lay prone on the ground, his vision swimming as darkness encroached upon his consciousness. The agony of his wounds threatened to overwhelm him, but through sheer force of will, he fought to remain alert, his mind struggling to grasp the gravity of the situation.

But despite his efforts, exhaustion won out, and Rowan felt himself slipping into unconsciousness. The sounds of the room faded into a distant murmur as darkness engulfed him, leaving him adrift in a sea of pain and uncertainty.

In the tense moment before Mr. Stalin could inflict further harm upon Rowan, the sharp crack of another gunshot shattered the air. Mr. Stalin's gun flew from his grasp, a testament to the swift and decisive action of Colonel Calliax.

With a determined stride, Calliax entered the room, his presence commanding respect as he swiftly neutralized the threat posed by Mr. Stalin. With practiced precision, he disarmed the panicked politician, ensuring that no further harm could befall his comrade.

Rushing to Rowan's side, Calliax knelt beside him, his voice laced with urgency as he assessed the soldier's condition.

"Rowan! Can you hear me?" Calliax's words were a lifeline in the darkness, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, Rowan struggled to maintain consciousness, his senses dulled by the agony that gripped his body. But the sound of Calliax's voice provided a tether to reality, grounding him in the moment despite the turmoil that raged around them.

Meanwhile, Mr. Stalin, left reeling in shock and frustration, could only watch helplessly as his plans unraveled before his eyes. His outburst of profanity echoed through the room, a futile expression of his anger and despair in the face of defeat.

But for Rowan and Calliax, the battle was far from over. With the threat neutralized and their comrade safe for now, they braced themselves for whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their determination to emerge victorious against the forces of darkness that sought to tear their world apart.

As Mr. Stalin remained frozen in shock, his expression a mask of disbelief, Colonel Calliax cast a steely gaze upon him, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. But before he could react, his attention was drawn to the trickle of blood seeping from Mr. Stalin's forehead.

In the tense silence that followed, the room seemed to hold its breath as the lifeless body of Mr. Stalin slowly slumped to the ground, revealing the sinister figure lurking in the shadows behind him.

It was Major Jacques, the mastermind behind the treacherous plot that had brought them all to this deadly confrontation. His smile was a chilling sight, a twisted reflection of his malevolent intent as he gazed upon the chaos he had wrought.

"My, my, what a meeting, dear Colonel," Major Jacques's voice oozed with venom, his words dripping with disdain as he addressed Calliax with a mocking tone.

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