Chapter Twenty Six

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"Up next is Gabriella Fitzpatrick with a new vehicle for us this year, she has upgraded from her trusty Mitsabushi Evo to a beautiful Ford Mk.2 Escort. We can't wait to see how she handles it, knowing it was always a dream of hers to own one. Rumour has it that it's the reason she said 'yes' to her rally partner Chris Thompson who proposed to her in February."

I laughed at the commentator before blocking out the rest of the speech and focusing on the job in hand. Complete the stages, fast; win the cup and the generous prize money. I had faith in my old car but I had certainty in my new one. The test drives were unbelievable and I was dying to show what it had to the spectators around. I was aware that I wasn't the only one with a Mk.2 Escort, they were popular but in my point of view they were the best. Possibly one of the best cars I have ever driven.

There were large crowds gathered at the starting point. The hotel was used as it was a central point for everyone with sufficient parking. I slid myself out of the cool interior of the teams van. The household and Simon had come along with me.

I drove off to the first stage, leaving the starting point behind. The roads were difficult this year but nothing we couldn't handle. The team of Chris, my car and I were powerful. Chris spent most of the time on the way there telling me cheesy chat up lines and we almost got lost thanks to his attempts at distracting me. I slapped his arm and got serious as the stage began to start.

"Alright babe, we're here."

"No way I can't tell that at all."

"Shut up. You're going to do great, if you drive this car like you've been doing we'll wipe the board easily."

"No pressure."

"Well after all I bought you the car so you'd agree to marry me, I expect a few wins too."

"You better do a good job at reading those maps then. What do I have to look out for?"

"Oh I will because I know what you get like when you've just won. Horny. As. Fuck. There's-"

"Excuse me!?"

"You do! Eh but nasty humpback bridge about half a mile in, it's followed by a sharp left hand corner so watch out for that. Then you have a sort of cornery part in five hundred metres or so but it will be no bother to you sweetheart. I'll let you know as usual, we're up, go get 'em tiger"

He blew me a cheeky kiss before I put the visor down on my helmet and reved the powerful engine. I spotted numerous spectators that I recognised, including my sister and the guys from work. They were my team, my family, my friends and my life. Without them I'd be lost.

The rally went by smoothly, well not so smooth technically but there were no problems I faced, that included the competition as there practically was none, from the women drivers section anyway. The men on the other hand were a little bit stiffer although they were still placed behind me. I realised Chris was right. Winning did make me feel like celebrating, in bedroom style of course. The bedroom was no where near here unfortunately so I'd have to settle for bucket seats no doubt.

I walked over to Joey who was setting up the towing trailer to load the mk.2 onto. The sport was expensive with the car, van, trailer and whatever else but we had good sponsors, such as my own garage.

"Hey winner what can I do for you?"

"Hey, just wondering if you seen Chris?"



"Chris told us every time you win, which is always, he gets the ride."

"Oh did he now, well today is going to make history then."

"Ah. Don't let him down. He's on the phone, I think he has a surprise for you." Joey winked before getting into my car and loading it onto the trailer in the hotel car park.

"Miss Fitzpatrick?"

"Yes?" both my sister and I answered simultaneously. We glanced over at each other and laughed before looking at the distorted man.

"You're both Fitzpatrick?"


"We're sisters."

The bald man who I now observed was wearing the uniform of hotel stand was getting a bit flustered. He probably had made the realisation that in our past careers we were basically strippers.

"I'm not sure which of you it is but we have been called to escort you to your room."


"Yes it was a surprise I believe."

"Oh Joey honey you shouldn't have!" my sister squeaked as Joey stood on the trailer allowing a terrified look to spread across his youthful face.

"Just kidding. I know you wouldn't do that, it's clearly for the bread winner."

"Shut up sis." I retorted before the hotel staff member cleared his throat once more.

"Actually I have a room booked but it's not escorted by this man as I will be doing the escorting myself. That sounds so wrong but I hope you get the point." Joey admitted.

"What notion did you's take?" I asked Joey in astonishment before following my 'escort', what else do you call him really?

We chattered away on the short journey to the room. I received numerous stray glances from more prestigious characters dressed in fancy daywear while I had fireproof, sponsored overalls clad on my body. The hotel attendant knocked on the door before entering me into the room. I felt strange being treated the way he treated me, like I was so grand and couldn't open a door for myself even though I obviously could, my profession was mechanics surely I could open a door by myself. All the same the gesture was kind so I thanked the man and he left.

The room was cosy and oozed a vintage-style decor. it reminded me of the divine country estate that Chris and I's marriage reception would be held in only a few more weeks from now.

As I further studied the room I noticed garments on the bed and a note with Chris' handwriting sprawled across it beside the items of clothing which I clearly identified as a revealing set of lingerie, typical of Chris.

Hello gorgeous, I'll be back at quarter past, hang tight, don't start without me but please put the gift in front of you on your stunning body, love Chris, your soon to be husband and sexually excited fiancée. xx

Two minutes to change. What was the point it was about to come off anyway.

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