nightmare become reality 2 (irondad)

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Peter is an avenger now at 18 years old and is in his first semester of college at MIT w his besties Ned and MJ. <333 he's dorming w Ned + dating mj

All avengers are accounted for, Thor + Bruce are fs here idc what the timeline says <3

Also buckle in bc I'm at 3333 words RN and I'm only like halfway done

Peter had been cancer free for three years. He still remembered the glorious day when he got to ring the bell at the hospital at his last scan. He still had scans every few months afterwards to ensure he was good to go, but it had been years since Peter'd even stepped foot in a hospital for his own cause. He had carried in civilians plenty of times.

And now, three years later, his life was great. Bruce's altered version of chemotherapy was rigorous and painful but it worked. Peter was now a freshman in college with a full ride for four years at MIT. Ned didn't get a full ride, but he didn't need a full ride either. He got scholarship money and partial awards from the college. They were dorm mates.

The illness in the dorms should have been the first red flag that something was wrong, but the dorm building they were staying in was old. Neither of them knew when the air filters had last been changed, so when Peter got a mild respiratory infection they vowed to get an air purifier and call it a day. Save a few days, Peter was better again. Life was normal again.

Until it wasn't.

Peter got an assemble call and rushed to the scene of the crime. Midway through the action he was sweaty, his stomach was turning, and his head was spinning. His chest felt tight.

There was a mass bank robbery happening. Every bank in Manhattan was being targeted, and here he was slowing down because he was feeling a little lightheaded. He stopped 8 bank robberies, apprehended 24 robbers, webbed up 3 gunmen, freed over 100 hostages, and led countless people to safety before he finally found a rooftop and called for somebody over his comms.

"Hey, it's Peter. Is anyone available?" He asked weakly.

"Peter, there is a mass bank robbery, no one is doing nothing right now. Do you need backup?" Cap asked, his tone slightly accusatory and frustrated.

Peter felt his stomach rolling. His head was spinning more intensely now, "can we call in Ant-Man to take my s-spot?" He asked, his voice shaking as his mouth filled with saliva. He really felt ill.

"Peter" it was Tony, finally, "what's wrong?"

"I think I'm sick." He said weakly, "i'm- I'm gonna be s-" he was interrupted by a gag. He quickly turned his comms off and threw his mask to the side. His legs wobbled and he clambered down to one knee. He was desperately sipping in air. He didn't know what to do with his body, everything was trembling. Was it hard to breathe?

Peter got back up on two feet, thinking he felt a little more steady, then immediately vomited into the gravel flooring of whatever roof he was on. His whole stomach convulsed and he felt blood rush to his head. He wasn't sure if it was that, the lack of air, or the fever he wasn't aware of that sent him crumbling down a moment later, unconscious.

He woke up a few seconds later, breathing harshly. The sun was beating down on him and he felt so so hot in the stupid skin tight suit. He still felt sick.

He pushed himself up off the ground and hobbled over to his mask, sitting back down and putting it on without covering his mouth. He turned his mic back on to speak, "Is anyone free?" His voice was pitifully soft and broken, shifting between whisper and normal speaking as a soreness held his vocal cords.

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