Chapter 33

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At the dock, paparazzis and news people are gathered. Some fans of Pokimane and Y/n are also too. But an ambulance is ready, upon the boat's arrival people began cheering and shouting. Both Pokimane and Y/n we're covered with black huge towels, immediately being lead to the ambulance.

At the hospital, Y/n and Pokimane rests. Pokimane is wide awake, watching the news on the hospital's TV. Meanwhile Y/n is drained as fuck and fell into a deep sleep. However, something is happening.

Y/n's POV

I woke up... On the island? What the fuck? I thought we're back. Where's Imane? Wait... Am I...?

Y/n: Spy??! Imane??!




Y/n: Holy shit am I-

Spy: Dead?

Y/n: HOLY- SPY!!

Spy: *chuckles* Missed me?

Y/n: Don't do that!!

Spy chuckles, he seems... Positive? That's... Odd...

Spy: Yes, very odd of me of course.

Y/n: Oh yeah... Forgot you're in my mind... So... What's up with the goody day attitude?

Spy: Well... It's time.

Y/n: For what..?

Spy: Y/n, in years of my existence, so far you're the best out of all. You've achieved so much, did so much, and you're with the woman of your life. I would say, I'm proud of you.

Y/n: Thank... You..? Spy where's this going?

Spy: I have to go, Y/n. People from around the world still have the same problem as the you when we first met. For my existence is to help, then I shall help. Remember, I'm just a manifestation of your favorite character. I could be anything, but I choose Spy because you love... That game.


Spy: Oh don't give me that look, I've warned you before. Don't be sad that I'm gone, be happy that you've made it.




Y/n: I... I... I don't know how to thank you...

Spy smiles.

Spy: You could thank me by keeping close to Imane. Be there for her, protect her, take care of her. Be a real man.

Spy walks towards the waters.

Spy: Say my goodbye for her...

Spy looks at me and smiles...

Spy: Adieu, Y/n...

Spy fades away slowly, smiling at me as he fades...

Y/n: Farewell, Spy...

(back to normal narration)

Y/n, still asleep on the hospital bed, tears flowing down. The light of the sun, perfectly captures a peaceful moment. Imane is clueless of what had happened.
Later that afternoon, the hospital's door opened, Janet, Rae, and Sykkuno walks in. Janet and Rae couldn't hold their tears of gratefulness and held Imane in their arms. Imane burst into tears to as the trio held on together.




Meanwhile, Sykkuno gave a chill hug at Y/n.

Sykkuno: I'm so glad you're okay!

He soundes out of breath for a moment.

Y/n: I missed y'all so much!

They spent their afternoon talking and spending time. Playing UNO cards, telling stories, you name it.
That evening, everyone went back home. Imane and Y/n stays in the hospital. Silent relaxing vibe takes over. Imane looks at Y/n and tilts her head.

Poki: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Poki: You seem... Down... We get to go back home tomorrow!

Y/n smiles and nods.

Y/n: I know... It's just... Spy...

Poki: What's wrong with him?

Y/n: He... Left... He said he's done, he gotta go help other people around the globe. He said goodbye for you.

Imane frowned slightly, she looks at Y/n with sympathy.

Poki: He's a good one.

Y/n nods at her and smiles.

Y/n: But because of him, I got to spend my life with you.

Imane smiles and giggles.

Poki: So many things to do, so many things to experience. I want you to know, I'll be with you. Until death seperate us.

Y/n smiles and tears up, making Imane tears up too. After all they've been through... It led to this moment...
Peace and harmony at last...

The End.

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