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~Make it a sweet, sweet goodbye- it could be for the last time and it's not right. "Don't let yourself get in over your head," He said. Alone and far from home we'll find you... Dead- Like a candle you burned out, spill the wax over the spaces you left in the place of angry words. Scram- To be heard, like you needed any more attention; throw a bottle, break the door, and disappear. Sing me to sleep, I'll see you in my dreams, waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry." Forever's never seemed so long as when you're not around it's like a piece of me is missing. I could have learned so much from you but what's left now? Don't you realize you shot this family a world of pain? Can't you see there should have been a happy ending we let go? Sing me to sleep, I'll see you in my dreams, waiting to say "I miss you. I'm so sorry." Sing me to sleep. Sing me to sleep. Sing me to sleep. Sing me to s... Sing me to sleep (You've taken so much with you...) I'll see you in my dreams, (But left the worst with me...), waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry." I'm sorry. I'm sorry.~

I looked at Alex who had tears rolling down his cheek.

"Alex..." His head shot towards me. His eyes were red and he was sniffling.

"Come here.." I opened my arms and he got up and hugged me. I rubbed his back and told him that everything would be okay. He shook his head and barely got out a couple words.

"No it won't.. He's gone Abby.. Gone." I didn't want to ask him who was gone because it would make him feel worse.

*Note to self, ask Jack what happened* After about 30 or 40 minutes his crying stopped and he had calmed his breathing.

"Thanks Abbs. I needed that hug." I smiled at him and nodded. I was about to speak when the door bell rang.

"I got it." I jumped up and walked towards the huge wooden door. I think I'm going faint. Right there, in front of me was one of my idols, Vic Fuentes and a gorgeous girl who I assumed to be his girlfriend as they were holding hands.

"Hey, you must be Alex's new sister Abilene." He smiled at me. I think I'm gonna die.. I nodded and smiled, If I could've said anything I probably would've except anything I tried to say wouldn't come out of my mouth.

"This is my wonderful girlfriend Allie. Maybe you guys could hang out and do all that fun girl stuff since the guys have to take Alex out tonight.

"Out?" My eyebrow rose and I looked over at Alex.

"Yeah, they do this for me every year on my brothers birthday. You guys can come if you'd like." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Sure, where are we going?" Vic and Alex exchanged looks.

"I think we're just gonna go out clubbing tonight." Vic said in his very sexy voice. I smiled and nodded.

"Allie, if you need something to wear you can borrow some of my clothes." She smiled and nodded. GOD I wish I was as pretty as her! She had short brown hair that came to her shoulders. She was about 5'4 which was perfect for Vic because he was only a few inches taller. She had on a band tee and a pair of ripped and tatted black skinny jeans and some vans. I wish I looked good with short hair.. She didn't even have make up on and she looked perfect.. not fair.. She followed me up to my room and her eyes grew about two sizes when she saw the size of my closet.

"Huge right? I reacted the same way when I moved in. Wear anything you'd like, I'm sorry if something doesn't fit, you look like you might be a size or two smaller." She smiled and started to look through everything and she decided on a dress that was the perfect shade of orange/peach. It made her look a little tanner and her green eyes pop. She grabbed a pair of peach flats that matched the dress perfectly. I picked out a light green dress that looked almost like it was white. It made my blue eyes pop out a little and I wore a pair of black wedges to make me a few inches taller.

Time to go out and party with All Time Low and one fourth of Pierce The Veil.

My HerosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon