I Feel Like Dancing

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The boys have been frantic all week, getting ready for their tour with 5 Seconds of Summer. I was going to be joining them, leaving Sarah with mine and Alex's parents, since they needed help and they all wanted to keep an eye on me while I was carrying Jack's baby. I was now 4 months and three weeks along and my baby bump was now very noticeable. We still hadn't picked a name yet because we were going to wait until she was born.

"ABILENE WHERE IS MY GUITAR CASE?!"Alex shouted through the house.

"By the front door, holding your guitar. You put it there literally two minutes ago." I shook my head, giggling at him. His face turned red as he turned and ran out of the kitchen, muttering a thank you. I turned around to finish making my lunch, two sandwiches and a bag of chips along with a large coke from the gas station. This pregnancy was making me so hungry, it was insane how much I ate. I tried to not go out as often with the boys because I got self conscious about how much I was eating, even if I was eating for two.

"Why hello gorgeous." Zack walked into the kitchen smiling at me. He had finished packing two days ago and had been hanging out with me since I was also already finished packing. "I brought you another coke because you go through these things quickly." 

"Thank you. You want a sandwich?" I asked holding up the ingredients I had begun to put away, he nodded while putting the extra coke in the fridge. Quickly, I made him a sandwich and set his plate in front of him and sat next to him with my lunch. "Do you think that once this baby is out of me I'll become skinny again?" I asked him, placing a hand on my stomach before feeling the baby moving. "OH MY GOD ZACK! Give me your hand!" I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach where mine just was. "She's kicking!" I squealed with excitement causing him to chuckle before his eyes widened when she kicked once again.

"Holy crap. You have to get Alex and Jack to feel this." He got up and ran out of the room to get the boys I assumed while I just sat there holding my hand to my stomach.

"What's wrong?! Zack said something about the baby." Jack slid into the room almost running into the counter which caused me to laugh. I took his hand and placed it where mine once was and waited for her to kick once again. Jack smiled at me once he felt it before kneeling down to his face was level with my stomach. "Hi there baby girl. I can't wait to meet you. Please don't hurt your momma while you're in there okay?" I blushed while he spoke before looking over at Alex who was standing in the doorway. I waved him over and placed his hand on my stomach where my baby girl had been kicking previously. She was so energetic today.

"That is so cool." He smiled down at my stomach where his niece was. "Hey there little trooper. Can you hurry up and get out here? I am so excited to meet my other niece." He removed his hand and hugged me before his eyes widened and he walked over to my food, picking up a sandwich and running away.

"It's like she's dancing she just won't sit still." I placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed it. Zack smiled at me.

"Maybe she'll become a dancer." He suggested and I smiled back at him. 


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