We Say Summer

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We leave for Orlando tomorrow. I'm only going to the first two shows then I'll be at the one in Baltimore and that'll be all. I am very nervous as to how the fans will react when they find out that I'll be there and when they see my stomach. Not that it's huge but it's very noticeable now. Alex has been making me relax and won't allow me to do anything because he thinks it'll be too stressful on the baby so whenever they are out at rehearsals I take a quick dip in the pool because it takes a bit of the pressure off of my stomach and it makes me feel as light as a feather.

"Hey! You ready for tomorrow? We are going to be in NYC, New York then somewhere in Pennsylvania and we'll be back home. Well, you'll be back home and we'll be continuing on the tour. Are you excited for your first tour?" Alex stood at the foot of my bed while I sat finishing up the last second packing that everyone had put off on getting me to do because I had been so tired lately.

"Alex, do you think that it's gonna work out? This little family that Jack and I have planned. I want this baby and I'm happy with what Jack and I have but with the band, you all will be on tour while I have to stay here and take care of two kids." Groaning, I stood up while holding my back. "This pregnancy is gonna kill me if I want to keep trying to exercise or move."

"You've been exercising?! You are supposed to be relaxing and staying off of your feet." Alex walked up to me and helped me stand, giving me support on my back and in all honesty relieving some of the pain on my feet and ankles which had become nearly invisible due to swelling.

"If I don't exercise then I'll be fat when this baby comes out. I need to stay as in shape that a pregnant woman can so I don't look or feel pregnant even after I have this baby. I'm not saying that I don't want this baby but I don't want my body to have the after effects that women get after they have babies if they don't keep exercising." 

"You are not fat and you never will be fat. You're pregnant. You have a wonderful baby girl growing inside of you that, hopefully, is going to look just as gorgeous as you are. I know about your pool exercises and that's completely different because you can't feel the weight of her while in it and I approve of that because it causes you to be relaxed. However, when I can see you're in pain because you are trying to stay skinny it kills me. You are beautiful and you need to just get it into that head of yours okay?" Smiling, I hugged him.

"Thank you Alex. I don't think I've ever been happier then I have been since I found out that I had gotten adopted. Now, I've gotta finish last minute packing so that means that you have to go start packing. It might have been less than a year since I've started to get to know you but I know you hate packing and always do it the day before you have to go anywhere. Go finish packing and I'll go start dinner." 


Making dinner for four people is difficult, but making dinner for four grown men, a young child and a pregnant women is near impossible especially if you're making dinner for those six people is exceptionally difficult and near impossible. Thankfully I used to help make dinner when I moved from house to house.

"DINNER IS READY!" Ten seconds after shouting those three words five sets of footsteps rushing from different parts of the house could be heard. 

"Hello gorgeous, what have you prepared for us all  tonight?" I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and hands rested on my stomach. "and how's my baby girl tonight?" 

"She is amazing and apparently likes to listen to Frank Sinatra as well as The Beatles and Jackson Five. She has the best taste in music from what I can tell. Also, I just made some hot dogs with fries and tater tots with a delicious s'mores dip that the kids used to love so I figured I'd give it a try with you guys. And once dinner is done there will be hot chocolate." Jack laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Are you sure you aren't just letting the cravings decide what we all have as our last actual meal at home before we go on tour for 5 months?" I smiled and walked away, moving towards the table to get Sarah's dinner ready.


I feel like I'm in one of those cliche movies where it's cold outside and the girl is sitting on a bench with a big mug of hot chocolate.

"Hey, why don't you go inside? It's cold out here and you are pregnant and if you get sick something could happen." 

"And hello to you too. I have a jacked and blanket to keep myself warm, I also have this delicious hot chocolate." Shaking his head, Jack sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Well then I'm going to use this time while you try and freeze yourself to death to use one of the most cheesiest things anyone could ever do  and warm you up. So why are you out here trying to become an icecube?"

"Just thinking about the baby. We are going to need a name soon and we need to find somewhere to put the nursery." His facial went from flirty to scared in a matter of .5 seconds. "What's wrong?"

"This is only a three room house and once Sarah gets big enough she isn't going to want to share a room with you, no offence, and she won't want to share a room with a baby who cries all the time. Where is she gonna stay? Where are you and Sarah going to-"

"I love you too." He stopped talking and stared at me, wide eyed.

"What did you just... um.. what?" 

"The other night you told me that you were in love with me. You thought I was asleep and you said that you had fallen in love with me and that you don't think you'd ever be able to let you go and honestly I don't want you to because I love you too. We are going to have this baby together and people who have babies together while they aren't together either end up giving it up for adoption, they end up hating each other or they end up married. Jack, in this specific case I know we are not giving her up for adoption and I could never hate you. I think in the end of this love story, we are going to end up happily ever after."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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