Jasey Rae

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"You look cute when you're dancing around your room. What are you all happy about today?" Jack smiled at me, leaning on my door frame. I smiled and turned around to finish putting away my laundry.

"My baby girl is coming today." I had told Alex about her, but not any one else because I wanted it to be a surprise. He nodded his head, confused. He walked over to my bed and laid down. I tossed some clothes at him.

"If you're gonna be in here, help me fold this stuff." He groaned, "Don't complain, help or get out." I smiled and he sighed, knowing that he had been defeated. We quickly finished when I heard the doorbell ring.

"SHE'S HERE!!!" A huge grin found it's way to my face. I ran out of my room, slid down the staircase railing and slid to the door. "SARAH!!!" I picked her up and spun her around. She giggled then looked around at the house.

"This is.... HUGE!" She smiled and started to walk around. "Hey Mum, thanks for doing this.. I needed it. Do you have the papers?" She nodded and pulled out her purse. I grabbed the adoption papers from her and quickly signed them.

"Here's her stuff. I'll call tomorrow night to check up on you guys. Love you Abbs, BYE SARAH!!" She smiled then walked back to the taxi at the end of the walkway.

"GUYS COME DOWN HERE!!!" I picked Sarah up and held her tightly in my arms. We watched as the boys came from different places in the house. "Guys, this is Sarah. She lived at the adoption house that I was in before Alex's family adopted me. I just adopted her, so I guess she's now my daughter." She smiled and hid her face in my neck. Rian stuck his hand out for her to shake. She giggled and shook it then yanked her hand back in and hugged me tightly. "Sarah, this is Uncle Alex, Uncle Rian, Uncle Zack and Uncle Jack." I pointed as I went down the line. She nodded then yawned and laid her head on my shoulder. "Tired?" She groggily nodded then rubbed her eyes. "Jack, can you grab her suitcase and Minnie?" He nodded and followed me up the stairs with Sarah's stuff in his hands. When we got to my room I tucked her into bed and closed the blinds so the sun wouldn't wake her up. She immediately fell asleep.

Jack set her stuff down and closed the door behind him. I just looked at Sarah and smiled when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I smiled, ignoring them, until I felt Jacks head laying on my shoulder.

He leaned closer and whispered "We gotta talk" into my ear then left the room. I thought about it for a little bit then crawled into bed with Sarah. She cuddled up next to me and I wrapped my arms around her, quickly falling asleep as well.

My Herosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن