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I woke up at about 7 in the morning with a horrible stomach ache. I felt nauseous, like I had been on a ship for a month. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom just in time as I threw up into the toilet. Once I was sure I wasn't going to throw up again I flushed the toilet and went to brush my teeth.

Well, there was no use in trying to go back to sleep now. I guess I can make breakfast. I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen. All we had was eggs, cereal, bacon, bread, orange juice and coffee. I quickly made scrambled eggs and made the bacon for everyone. I toasted the bread and set it all out before walking over to the huge amp sitting in the living room with a microphone hooked up to it. I smiled to myself before running upstairs to wake up Sarah and letting her scream wake up into the mic. 

Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack all ran down stairs to see what all the noise was about.

"I made breakfast for everyone now eat then I was told my Flyzik that you are supposed to be at the studio in an hour soo you're welcome." I smiled and walked over pouring Sarah and myself a glass of juice and making her a plate of eggs, bacon and toast before we both sat at the bar. The boys all finished within 30 minutes.

"Hey Abbs, mind if I take Sarah with us today?" Alex asked, smiling at me.

"If she wants to she can." She looked over to her uncle and smiled before running upstairs and getting dressed then she ran down stairs.

"I'm not feeling too well, can you tell Matt I'm sorry?" Jack grabbed his head and groaned. Alex mumbled a sure before the three boys and my baby girl walked out of the house and made their way to practice.

"Hey, what's wrong hun?" I rubbed Jack's back. He set his head on the bar, clutching his stomach.

"I think I'm sick. I have a horrible migraine and my stomach is killing me." I kissed his forehead.

"Well I believe you have a fever. Go lay down on the couch and I'll go out and get some soup for you, yeah?" He nodded slightly before groaning, realizing nodding was a mistake. I followed him to the living room, throwing a blanket over him and kissing his forehead again. "I'll be right back okay. Phone me if you need anything." I moved his messy hair from his forehead. He had fallen asleep already causing me to smile. I grabbed my keys and slid on my nike's before making my way to the store. I grabbed Advil and Pepto from the medicine aisle, soup from the bakery and even grabbed myself a tea from Starbucks before making my way back home.

Alex texted me that they'd be in the studio until noon then they were taking Sarah to a movie so they'd be gone most of the day. When I got back Jack was still asleep on the couch. I got him a water bottle from the fridge and a spoon for his soup. I walked into the living room, setting his food and medicine on the floor before going to grab a chair and setting it by him. I shook him gently, getting him to wake up.

"Jack, I have some medicine and your soup. You have to sit up." He sat up slowly but was eventually sitting up straight and downing the nasty pink liquid for his stomach and the pill for his head. He took his soup thankfully and quickly ate it before pulling me onto the couch and laying his head on my lap. I messed with his hair until he fell back asleep.


It had been a week and Jack was still sick, I was beginning to get worried and made him an appointment for the doctor today. I was still getting sick and throwing up but now it wasn't just in the morning it was all the time. I told the boys not to think anything of it, just that it was a stomach bug and that I would talk to the doctor when Jack was there. They all left us alone in the living room, taking Sarah with them everyday since I didn't want her to get sick.

"Jack, come on we have to go to the doct-" My hand flew up to my mouth and I ran to the trash can I had set next to the couch, throwing up in it. I sighed and walked to my bathroom, brushing my teeth again, before walking out to the car, Jack following me.

We were in to see the doctor within 5 minutes of getting there.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Goldberg. Jack Barakat?" I pointed to Jack and she smiled "I know, I was just joking. He's been in here plenty of times. Always getting sick. What's wrong this time Jack." She smiled at us both.

"I feel like complete and utter crap. I haven't gotten off the couch in a week, I am always asleep. My stomach is killing me and my head feels like it's being hit with a hammer 24/7." She diagnosed him with just the flu after running some tests. She told him he would get better within a week if he took the medicine she was prescribing.

"Doc, I actually have a question." She looked up from her clip board, smiling. "I have been feeling really nauseous the past week as well. I was just throwing up in the morning before it began to be at any random time of day. I don't really feel ill, just a few minutes leading up to me throwing up." Her grin grew.

"Abilene, correct?" I nodded. "When was your last period dear?" I thought about it, I was a week or two late but I didn't think anything of it.

"About a month or two ago, why?" 

"Dear, I can do an ultrasound here or you can go get a test at the drug store, either way you'll have to come in for a check up in a few days. I believe you're pregnant." 

And with those four words, I felt the world stop.

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