Damned If I Don't

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..."I think that maybe, you should let me take you on a date.. so we can start over." What?... Is he sick or something? Maybe he needs to go to the hospital.

"Huh..?" I looked at him with my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide. He smirked and went to talk again before we were interrupted.

"Mommy, can we go to the movies?" My little angel looked at me with a huge toothy grin. I smiled sadly at her.

"Maybe next time baby doll. Uncle Alex has plans to take you out today. We need to go home now sweetie." Her grin disappeared while sadness and disappointment flashed in her eyes. I picked her up and hugged her tightly before walking back to the car. After seating her in her seat and making sure she was secure I slid myself into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt. Jack started the car and began to drive down Thames street back towards the house.


"Abbs!!" My name echoed through the slightly empty house. I wrapped my robe tightly around my body and walked down the stairs to see Jack standing in the living room with a bouquet of white and pink roses.

"So about that date," He smiled and walked closer to me, "Will you, Abilene Gaskarth, go on a date with me?"

"I would love to Jack. Just let me change real fast." I giggled slightly remembering what I was wearing. I grabbed the roses from his hands and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before running back up the stairs to my room. I tried to think of what Jack was wearing so I would know whether or not to dress up.

A band-tee and jeans, I believe. After I put on my Blink-182 t-shirt and my ripped skinny jeans I quickly applied eyeliner, mascara and some cover up before sliding on my vans and teasing up my hair. I smiled at my appearance in the mirror and skipped down the stairs.

"Ready to go Jack?" I smiled at the boy sitting on the couch staring at his favorite movie, Home Alone, that was currently on TV. I giggled before sitting next to him and focused my eyes on the large television in front of us. He set his arm around my shoulder and I cuddled into his side as we finished the movie.

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