Damned If I Do Ya

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I slid on my sweater and black leggings. I quickly did some small touch-ups to my natural make up look and fixed my hair. Jack walked up to my door and leaned on the door frame.

"Where are you going looking all pretty?" I smiled and turned and pointed to the little girl with head phones in her ears and laces in her hands. She was still learning how to tie her shoes so she was starting to get a little frustrated. Jack looked over and walked to her, taking the shoe laces out of her hands and quickly tying them for her. He picked her up and she took out one head phone. He whispered something in her ear then sat her down and kissed the top of her head before walking out. She walked over to my make up drawer and got out the lip gloss to put some on. I sat on our bed and watched her take it off then re-apply it trying to get it perfect. Once she got it to where she liked it she brushed her hair and hopped off the small chair. Once she was done she walked over to me.

"Mummy, can Uncle Jack come with us?" I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled up at me and I nodded, causing her to run out of the room and down the stairs. "UNCLE JACK!!!" She jumped up into his arms and he spun her around. "Mummy said you could come!" Her smiled had grown and he had also gotten a smile on his face.

I smiled and shook my head a little before walking out of the house and getting into the car that the boys had bought me as a welcome present. I still told them not to and to take it back, but they insisted and wouldn't take it back. Jack grabbed the keys from my hand and got into the drivers seat after buckling in Sarah. I turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs came on so I turned it up a little and started singing along.

~The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting, Could it be that we have been this way before. I know you don't think that I am trying, I know you're wearing thin down to the core. But hold your breath, because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind, or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true. Because a girl like you is impossible to find. You're impossible to find. This is not what I intended. I always swore to you I'd never fall apart. You always thought that I was stronger, I may have failed but I have loved you from the start. Oh, But hold your breath, because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind, or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true. Because a girl like you is impossible to find. It's impossible. So breath in so deep. Breath me in I'm yours too keep, and hold onto your words cause talk is cheap, and remember me tonight, when you're asleep. Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind, or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true. Because a girl like you is impossible to find. Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind, or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true. Because a girl like you is impossible to find. You're impossible to find.~

Sarah hummed along and Jack just listened to us sing and hum. Once we got to the ice cream parlor we all hopped out. Sarah ran into the store and Jack walked with his arm around my waist. We followed Sarah and Jack put her on his shoulders so she could see the different flavors. She picked chocolate for her and Jack to share and I got a sundae. After paying we sat down and Sarah ended up spilling chocolate on her pants, but when I tried to go with her to the bathroom to help her she told me she wanted to do it on her own. I nodded and told her to come get me if she needed me then watched her walk off. Jack motioned for me to come back to the table so I smiled at him and quickly shuffled back.

"So about the other night.." My eyes widened and he smiled when he noticed that I had figured it out. "I think that maybe, you should let me take you on a date.. so we can start over."

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